Sunday Mail seems to be promoting Sunak rather than Johnson. With several prominent Tories comparing Johnson to Trump and there are even suggestions that by denigrating the Independant Commons Priveledges Committee he may face a further charge of contempt of Parliament. We already know that BJBJ does not understand the difference between his own reality and that recognised by most others in a civilised society.

He has already brought British Politics into disrepute but it seems he has not finished yet! Maybe his best chance of a come back is to harm the Conservative Party as much as possible, they get hammered in the election, and then they plead for him to return? Or he could resign before the committees full report andf before they interogate him. He can then return to the lecture circuit in the Republican areas of the states and make guest appearances on GB News and write columns of tripe for the Mail or Sun – although they may well shun him.

Observer reports that the government may well face legal challenges due to its tardiness in planing for Net Zero. I have a suggestion that they provide grants to white van drivers to trade in for hybrids or electric. Many of these drivers a) cannot afford a new vehicle; and b) have to go into the LEZ’s to work. At present if you need to call out a plumber/electrican/builder in one of these zones they will correctly add £10 to the call out charge. So a scrappage fee of 80% (orwhatever is deemed to be beneficial) of the value of the vehicle. This should also be extended to private vehicles and larger commercial ones once there is an alternative.

Supermarket deliveries. Why are they not getting smart and offering different prices for different areas to encourage people in say – Sandford – to order for delivery in the same slot – more efficient and environmentally friendly and could boost sales. It would be easy to programme.

So the next couple of months will be fascinating. Hunts Budget, Johnsons appearance before the committee, then the Local Council elections and the legal challenges that may follow when people are banned from voting.

Covid enquiry – apparently 62 barristers have already been hired and the enquiry could take 6-9 years. Is this to get the government off the hook? Surely there are some political issues which need rapid examination – where did the money go? Who ignored scientific advice? But much of it is not litigeous (if that is a word) and would be better examined by PhD students in universities (geographical, social, economic, role of social media on vaccinations, etc.) all these would be of benefit to a society faced with a similar pandemic.

Poolis made and dough rising for another hour. Baguettes should be ready this afternoon. Lemon biscuits made with brown sugar are good.

Too cold to sort out greenhouse, but I will need to do it in. the next couple of days. Tomato seeds ordered, and hanging basket plants – visit to garden centre needed next week.

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