A Russian Official says boats taking weapons to the Ukraine will be legitimate targets. I am all for diplomacy and negotiation – but there comes a point where Putin understands that what we provide to a ‘free’ sovereign nation is none of his business. He needs to be aware that his navy will suddenly become a lot smaller if he tries it on. The millions fleeing his attempted genocide cannot be ignored. But read on for a counter argument.

It is estimated that losses to his invasion force are between 5-10% in terms of troops and equipment. His economy is being trashed. It is important not to escalate, but one also needs to stand up to tyrants and bullies. It is interesting that both sides are avoiding using their air forces as it seems that anti-aircraft systems have the upper hand. The Russians are bombing at night apparently.

I am sure military historians will be able to quote many situations where defending populations were left to their own devices (Was Warsaw in WW2 an example?).

Mean while the Russian Embassy is moving to 10 Downing Street, oligarchs are selling their houses in London with a score or more up for sale.

Of course all the above is based on my believing the narrative coming from the West. This narrative is not universally accepted – or 100% approved. Has NATO pushed too hard against the boundaries of Russia? I personally do not think so as past Russian atrocities in Chechnya, Syria and elsewhere show an intent by Putin to be the strongman! However it would be disingenuous to suggest that the USA and NATO have been without blame. The wars on Iraq and Libya, the acquiescence with the Saudi led war on Yemen all need critical evaluation.

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