It seems likely that Biden will win the popular vote relatively easily (my prediction would be at least 4 million votes). But the electoral college is closer. And then is Trump so egomaniacal to declare himself a winner before all votes re counted (apparently a big deal)? And will the military have to depose him? (I think this is scaremongering by the left?).

And will Biden win House of Representatives? An archaic thing. It is like London having an equal vote with Sutherland on all national issues. If he did it could see the USA actually implement some much needed social reforms.

And then another thing – both these guys are old. I am too. Age definitely slows one down. I think mentally as well – maybe there is more knowledge for the brain to search through? Being ageist I would not really want either of them to be running the country! But then I would not a single person running any country.

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