It is only June and the hurricane season is under way. Danny dumped 150mm of rain on Alabama but no great damage. There are a couple of weather systems to keep a watch on, but neither have been named – Elsa is next, to be followed by Fred. There has been a rare hurricane in the South Atlantic which has been named Raoni by the Brazilian navy and has brought winds in excess of 110kph.

Climate change? I think that no one event can be put down exclusively to global warming/climate change, but the collective increase in weather related incidences. Further problems occur when trying to compare historic data. Deaths are inevitably a key statistic, but world population has trebled since 1950, more people have moved to places like Florida meaning that insurance claims have increased. More people have built houses in fire vulnerable situations and in flood danger areas. And we have ever better recording devices including satellites. However despite these caveats it does seem that our weather has made some changes. In the UK spring is coming earlier, temperatures are creeping up, subtle changes. Wildlife with no border controls or passports and visa’s seems to be reflecting this.


Weather has always been, and is, capricious, but record breaking temperatures in Western Canada and the USA, stretching up to the Arctic are of concern. It would be easy to quote global warming and climate change, but this might be too simplistic. Extreme weather events have happened throughout history. However it would be naive to ignore the nearly 50 degree centigrade temperatures. The high pressure is spreading across the North American continent bringing high temperatures across the Great Plains and into the Great Lakes region. Will, this impact on grain production?

I will do a weekly review of world weather in future. Basra reported 49C, whilst Bankok 36C, New York 35C and New Delhi 42C were also high. Looking for a cooler destination? Wellington 8C seems nice! So we have not had a great summer sun wise in Somerset this year so far, but the garden has been brilliant and I guess this is true for farmers? (Although they always moan!).


Millions of our children attend schools where air pollution is above WHO limits. Most appear to be in urban areas, although not all large – e.g. Ipswich. Several things need to be put in place to solve this.


The North Atlantic Hurricane Season has officially started (1st June to 30 November). Predicted to be above average. For 2021, a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 3 to 5 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher) is expected. NOAA provides these ranges with a 70% confidence.


Forget Covid. That was a blimp. This is the mega problem – not inevitably a disaster, but probably. G7 will meet amongst the seagulls inn Cornwall this summer. I do not particularly care about the economic bollocks they agree. Whether they actually agree something substantial and verifiable could. be momentous. But then I woke up!

I just hope the seagulls take out some drones and shit on the smug bastards!


It has been humid, and now we have a decent downpour. My mints will love it. I wonder if we will get some thunder and lightning? My water butts should fill up quickly. This just as well, as we look like having at least a week of dry weather.


It looks like we are having dry settled weather for rest of the month! So get the hose pipes out! We could have a game of estimating the first moor fire by idiots with disposable bbq, or what ever – I will go for 11 June. Why are so many people morons? Litter is epidemic at the moment. Perhaps a large fine or 2 days community litter picking would help – in brightly coloured shirts? I really do not like these people!


Is it really May 22? Yesterday it was reported that the UK was expected to receive 91% of average monthly rain for May. April was the frostiest on record *since 1960″ – with 12 days of air frost, and also very dry. Last year we had the driest and sunniest spring and May since records began.