Firstly stop parents driving their kids to school – or at least make as large an area as possible traffic a free zone. Secondly school design. New buildings tend to like like shiny office blocks. All glass and shiny (probably combustable) cladding. Where is the air flow through those classrooms which have condensation dripping down the windows on damp winter days? I think the government publishes guidelines on corridor width and classroom size – and I would be as sure as knowing that bears shit in the woods that they are woefully short of sensible. I have left classrooms in the summer and taken my class outside because it was unbelievably hot inside, and the windows were only little to ones.

So lets have a debate on what all the different stakeholders want. And include the children, not as an after thought, but with a key role. And also University students who have not been influenced by corporate greed yet! Surely it is possible to create school environments with air flow, green plants, and whatever others say! I am sure that glass boxes are not the answer.

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