Viscount Ridley of Northern Rock fame, claims that a warmer climate would do more good than harm with fewer winter deaths from the cold – surely even Daily Express readers cannot believe that codswallop. New tactic from the right to halt any legislation which inhibits their rights to drive Chelsea tractors in Kensington, is to claim that any legislation will unfairly hit the poorest sections of society. Firstly we know they do not give a shit about the poor, and secondly the whole process should be predicated on a tax on the rich.

So come on Johnson – are you a denier? Let’s see legislation which does actually make the UK a world leader in achieving net zero emissions. No permits for new oil or gas fields, no new coal mines, inputs for insulation of all houses, solar panels on all public buildings where appropriate, on shore wind farms avoiding National Parks and SSSI’s and AONB for now – it might become necessary for our survival.

Other countries can do as they please – by us taking a lead we can create the manufacturing infrastructure to sell to the rest of the world, whilst at the same time gradually moving to an economy based on quality rather than growth.

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