As already stated earlier this vaccination question is difficult, but ultimately we need to avoid the ‘Typhoid Mary’ situation. We may have to live with covid killing people in the future, but we can also make sure it is as low as possible. Obviously we look to the government who consult and are guided by experts? Of course not – mixed messages about vaccine passports for clubs and other events. Universities it was yes then no, but is now please! The government is going to subsidise Uber and Deliveroo to give a discount to vaccinated customers – giving money to those already vaccinated in the hope that some others who cannot find a jabbed person to book for them? Daft. Joe Biden is offering $100 to people to get vaccinated. This is better but there is an unfairness here to, the very poor person who has a community spirit gets jabbed and no payment, but the privileged brat gets $100 because he could not be bothered or cared before.

Personally I would give vouchers for fruit and vegetables., thus also meeting the health targets.

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