Covid-19 latest

There is a problem with Covid doubling every 8+ days. The government has had the figures for Bolton for a few weeks now; and the situation despite ‘lock down’ measures has not improved. I do not wish to hear waffle. I want some facts.

How is the virus being transmitted? Even our rudimentary tracing system must have given a clue about this – or is it totally clueless? If it is young adults – then is it pubs and clubs, is it at work? Is it at home in family gatherings? Which is it? Or is it all? Or is it a don’t know?

Once known, then put measures in place and enforce them. Don’t encourage socially divisive measures like dob on a neighbour. Run advertising campaigns to emphasise the moral responsibility. Why have appropriate masks not been delivered to every household?

During the last couple of years of WW2 the coalition government managed (despite being bombed and at war) to prepare plans for the NHS, for new towns, for National Parks, for a better education system, and more. Apart from transferring taxpayers money into private companies, this government has shown astounding disregard for human welfare and public good.

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