So. it just does not add up? Last summer was before the delta variant became dominant, but surely with the vaccination programme the numbers should be much lower? Can we have clear guidance – hundreds of people have contracted the disease in North Somerset and Bristol in the last week – are they in any danger of long term illness or even death. Deaths are reported as being around a 100 per day – is this normal for the time of year?

Then what happens when the weather turns, schools and universities go back, fewer people wear masks (following the lead of the vast majority of Tory MP’s), and social distancing is forgotten. There has been no big message from government so one would like to assume that infection rates are irrelevant.

Can the police also make sure they arrest and prosecute all those responsible for closing the vaccine clinic at Cabot’s Circus in Bristol on Saturday. They do not have to have the jab so their attack on the centre was a form of terrorism. Definition – Terrorism is the use or threat of action, both in and outside of the UK, designed to influence any international government organisation or to intimidate the public.  It must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

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