then the language used ‘stop and search is “a kind and loving thing to do”. Tell that to young black males who are 19 times more likely to be stopped, and the policy has no evidence to suggest its success.

Why no evidence of how these measures would improve things. Surely there are at least 4 major areas to be addressed; 1. Mental health issues; 2. Domestic violence; 3. Rape prosecutions; 4. Knife crime. I suspect the amount of police time on these issues is responsible for the publics perception that the police are not bothered about burglary and theft.

Policies that encourage levelling up regarding social divisions are what are needed. Getting children meaningful qualifications and jobs, activities to get them off the streets and give them a future. Proper funding for mental health care which the right wing mentioned o often regarding lockdown, but they seem to think it will go away, or does not matter now that they have their financial streams working again. Domestic violence is another issue that requires input. Largely a problem created by males with large egos and small brains – this attitude is still not being questioned enough. Just look at any survey of domestic chores and the majority are done by women, even where both couples are working. I am single but still rubbish at cleaning! I am still shocked by the lack of men who cook, and if they do, who then wash up and clean up the mess they make!Basically men cut the grass, put the rubbish out and women do the rest!

The chain gang idea – make the punishment fit the crime – littering results in community service picking up litter. Sounds good, but the yobs mates would be chucking litter out to keep them busy! and who would supervise this? We do not live in 1930’s USA with roads miles from anywhere, where 20 convicts could be policed by a sadist with a gun! Does the speeding course work for people speeding? If so something similar could be set up for a variety of minor crimes like littering, shop lifting, etc.

So the government will continue to jabber on about crime, without doing anything to tackle its prevention – so Starmer, speak out and ask people which they would chose: a longer sentence for someone who burgled their home, or, their home not being burgled in the first place. The sad thing is that I think there are lots of people who would prefer the first option.

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