Hunt says that schools will do whatever is takes, but no extra money will be allocated! Sunak halved funding for school renewal 2 years ago. The more we hear about this problem the more it seems like the government prioritised cost over safety at every stage since the problem was flagged up 7 years ago. It will come up in Parliament today – I wonder whom they will blame? Or will they just claim to be better than other countries? Do they even comprehend the scale of the problem across all public sector buildings (hospitals, courts, etc. Universities have not been mentioned – yet!

Jamie Oliver calls for free school meals for all – a wise plea as a healthy diet pays back in results and health in the long term. Why not get the supermarkets and food chains to sponsor the lot – and give them a tax break for doing so. They would get the free publicity and the treasury a reduced cost. Perhaps they could compete to provide recipes. Extending free school meals is popular with voters according to a recent poll.

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