Goes on and on! Tory Director of Campaigning goes on gardening leave, 2 prospective candidates investigated by police for dubious betting on the election date. Farage says misogynist Andrew Tate is a good ro;e model for young boys – fuck me, he cannot be serious – despicable toss pot is being prosecuted for rape, people trafficing and forming a crimainal gang to sexually exploit women, in Romania – may he rot there. The future for women has just turned bleaker. If it is true what I have heard that ‘Farage says what people think” – well they need to refer themselves to mental institutions – is this really waht 19% of Briton’s think? If so ‘beam me up Scottie” I want out of here. Do these people have children and grandchildren daughters, wives, mothers? I could have so much more to say about this! Our children are already polluted by the porn on the internet and its misogynist trumpets like Tate, without them being given an element of political respectability. Is this another import from the USA where Trump using prostitutes and grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable?

How does any sane person contemplate voting for such a sleaze ball? Castration would be too kind! I am. begining to feel an iota of sympathy for the conservatives who have seen their party contaminated by the morons from Tufton Street, it is only an iota mind as they were content to sit back and let the likes of Johnson, Truss, Braverman, Sleaze-Dog and so many more manipulate them and ride on the back of their media frenzy.

Project Fear (my version) is begining to trouble me! Will Farage actually get a seat in Parliament and consolidate his support; will undecided voters allow candidates who I would remove from my front door with venom – I am happy to have a strong Lib.Dem prescence at the dispatch box for PMQ’s. Please do not stop the fun on 4/5th July with so many Portillo moments promised. Vote to keep the bastards out and consigned to history!

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