Again time for reality! This was copied from National grid web site at 11.15am today. The interesting one to me is biomass – how is that so high? Nuclear we have to accept as we transition from fossil to renewable. However the National Grid will not record off grid production? So my consumption via solar panels will be ignored? As Schumacher said – ‘small is beautiful’ and with the advent of better batteries, maybe the need for nuclear power is obsolete? With batteries I reckon I could be self sustaining in power for testing and everything! I realise that this is not possible for most people or industries. But it could be possible if we stopped believing in macro economics!

21.4% fossil fuels

Coal 0.230.7
Gas 6.6520.7

37.9% renewables

Solar 7.4723.2
Wind 4.3713.6
Hydroelectric 0.341.1

24.9% other sources

Nuclear 4.8915.2
Biomass 3.139.7

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