I am not sure how to react here – he really is a loathesome piece of shit, but he could herald the end of the nasty party! The real concern will be when Truss and Braverman, etc. defect to Reform.

Do enough people have that much hatred in their hearts to vote for such racist crap? No doubt the media will continue to give him unwarranted air time and pages in their filthy rags.

At least Labour are being fairly honest about migration and linking it totally to education and employment. The demographics of this country rely on migration. I hope what I now will write is not racist! When we were in the EU migrants would come here for a couple of years – some stayed but it was easy for them to return after some fun and maybe earning enough for university (I knew many from Latvia and Estonia who did this). It is not so easy to return to India or Nigeria? I also guess that the cultural differences have an impact. Under the Tories EFL courses were abandoned making it harder to assimilate. The lack of a coherent foreign policy also has led to an increase in mass migration to Europe.

The demographics are simple – fewer young and more old people. Take out migration and children born to recent migrants and the situation is very different.

I also object ethically to allowing skilled workers to be attracted here – surely countries like Zimbabwe need nurses and doctors desperately – the migration to this country of people trained in those countries is an economic and social disaster. Maybe we should set up training programmes for doctors and nurses who could return to poorer countries with skills necessary to improve the standard of living there? Surely a win win situation for us and the NHS and poorer countries. The cost could be met from the foreign aid budget which should be increased.

Back to Farage – hopefully he will lose for the eigth time and Reform will get no MP’s. And the Tories are further diminished.

However it must be said that democracy needs a functioning opposition, however (again) this does not have to be from the right!

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