Something I am qualified to comment on! So Uk rate is 1.44 which is half that from 1963. Add in a further complication about the age of mothers and we have a demographic problem that has epic implications. Let me simplify this – women are having fewer kids, woman are having kids later, the % of working aged people is shrinking quite rapidly. Add in long covid and mental health issues and this becomes a crisis.

AI and robots may help with the job scenario. But fortunately we are not the first country to face this situation, South Korea, Italy, Hungary and others are already facing up to the problem. The immediate answer that comes to mind is migration? Some areas of London already have nearly 100% of births to non-white parents. Not a problem to me but some will object.

I also have an environmental concern about the growth of our population – both UK and world. So we have fewer workers and more old needing aid. The economics need to be spelt out – and fast.

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