Health versus Economy

both straight forward and complex! Firstly hand back test and trace to the NHS with proper funding. Secondly publish test results in their entirety, geographic and demographic, socio-economic and behavioural. Thirdly create a clear National Guideline developed by behavioural scientists as to the behaviour expectedly all, backed by a targeted advertising campaign in all relevant languages. Once everyone knows the simple and clear, rules expected of them regarding masks and social distancing things can become more localised.

At present many of the same rules are applied across the whole country. This is ridiculous and hurts the economy needlessly. Areas with over 200 cases per 100000 people are treated the same as those with zero to 5! Restrictions apply to all age groups similarly, again pointless. Lets move to a locally organised and enforced system. Those areas with a high number of cases or a R number over 1 (or whatever is thought by scientists and doctors to be acceptable) should have further restrictions imposed. With full publicity of statistical data this would not come as a shock, and may lead to preventative social behaviour without restrictions.

I am over 60 so therefore vulnerable if I get the virus. So for people like me there should be set restrictions (perhaps a one hour slot both morning and evening for shopping when others would be restricted (this could also be used to include others who are shielding). Restrictions on pubs could be similar – over-60’s afternoons? I know this sounds horrible but my generation has be blessed ing many ways, and we need to hand a safer and happier future to our children and grandchildren. This would then leave pubs and restaurants free to have more relaxed social gatherings for less vulnerable people, (although I suspect the 10pm deadline will be medically advisable).

Government should hand back control of our behaviour to us. If someone has symptoms or has tested positive obviously they should self isolate or be prosecuted. (again the need for a decent testing programme is essential). Having separate rules for toffs and plebs is not helpful (thinking grouse moors – it might be in the open air, but sets a bad example!). Families should be trusted in areas with low rates to have their weddings and funerals safely without asking permission from central government. At present Torridge (zero cases in last week), and Dover (2 per 100000) are treated the same as Liverpool with 227. Madness.

The science seems to imply that the young are less vulnerable, so don’t treat them the same! They know if they come into contact with vulnerable relatives or others., Let them be. They need to have time to make loads of mistakes in growing up without government interference.

So basically we need a decent track and trace system, full publication of data, targeted response appropriate to the cause of the outbreak and where possible, the ability to let most of society to get on with things. Then we can turn our attention to the real issue of protecting earth!

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