Of course I have signed many a petition. I never expected them to be successful though. A petition is a way of showing discontent in a democracy, not a way of enacting change. Badenoch showed great naivity by raising it at PMQT. In the UK we have a thing called General Elections. Labour won with a huge mandate. This petition calling for the Government to resign is not even been run properly with recommended post codes to be used by those abroad!

Sp rule by petition would be a disaster for democracy – we have Parliament to guide civil servants who run the country. In turn these civil servants provide Parliament with information with which to make decisions. Knee jerking ejaculation via the Daily Mail and GB News is to be resisted at all costs. Having lost at the ballot box the right wing seem to be trying to create a situation for a coup? Farage is stupid enough and egoistic enough to go along with this.

Meanwhile Johnson blames the Chuch for Britains obesity problem! Oh well!! Britains children are the worlds unhealthiest! Of course nothing to do with fast food advertising and housing costs that mean both parents need to go out to work. Putting advertising restrictions on is said to be “nany state”, but the same people need telling that it is pissing down outside!

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