Whilst reintroduction of bison, lynx, beavers, etc. to gated communities may be great for conservation movements PR, it is basically, doing nothing more than qfcrteate massive zoos or theme parks for privileged people to visit (Attenbrough and co.). To be honest I do not care if they reintroduce these animals! I would rather see double the number of blue tits. greenfinches, hedge sparrows, bees of all sorts,damsel flies, hover flies, and yes even wasps.

What is really needed in the rewinding of Britain is the development of millions 9yes millions) of takeaway outlets for wildlife of all sizes. In my dreams I would love for Somerville Road to have a large number of contiguous gardens where the whole is greater than the total of the individuals. Where there is a corridor of pollen and nectar laden plants providing bountiful sustenance for a kaleidoscope of insects and their predators,

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