The plans to raise the age for buying tobacco seems sensible – has anyone ever taken up smoking in their thirties or forties? Arguments for freedom of choice totally avoid the way manufacturers use advertising and chemicals to promote addiction. I am not sure it is cool to smoke anymore – Think mine was the rebel instinct in me.

It is 10 years since I took a Geography Fieldtrip – but 30 years ago half of 17 year olds would smoke, last time it was 2 or 3. Would making it more difficult to obtain tobacco have an impact on teenagers? – I suspect not. It is an age thing, but also a cultural and social thing. Being poor seems to result in more smoking so the problem may not be smoking itself, but poverty.

The whole system is broke. And this government would not do anything about it.

Why do we need legislation in the form of the sugar tax? – because corporations can manipulate public opinion and consumer habits. But corporations tend to target the less well off for the biggest profits. Diets are worse for the poorest – surely there should be a policy to correct this? I have ideas!

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