10 Downing Street – CHAOS

Seeing him shaking his head at PMQ’s is sad. He is not shaking his head in disagreement, but in confusion – he cannot reply as he did not understand the question – so he has 2 options, answer the question he just made up, or attack Starmer for being a jolly bad chap for not supporting him all the way to wherever he was leading the country!

Oh my, what is going on at Number 10. I am not sure I understand – let me rephrase that – I am 100% certain I do not understand. Let me see if I have this right? Johnson wanted to appoint a Chief of Staff because Trump and now Biden have one. Also leaks from No.10 are out of control, appointing a press supremo Allegra Stratton was supposed to have sorted this, another failure.So he tries to appoint a Brexiteer Cain to the post, but his missus, shows who is wearing the pants! Oh and then optician advisor Cummings seems to be on the way out by Xmas. Tories are splitting into factions,”red wall” tories (I am not sure what this means apart from they are the MP’s who got elected in northern, former labour seats, these are the MP’s to whom Johnson owes his majority; then there is the hard BREXIT lot, Gove, R-Mogg, etc.; sorry guys your day has come and gone – it seems almost certain that Brexit will be a worse disaster than anyone predicted! If only we had campaigned to reform it, instead of leave. Then there are the tories who do not know what is happening but are happy to bay loudly at question time, etc.. I guess there maybe a few out there who have morals and care about people, the environment, etc. they just keep themselves well hidden!

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