Hunt says that schools will do whatever is takes, but no extra money will be allocated! Sunak halved funding for school renewal 2 years ago. The more we hear about this problem the more it seems like the government prioritised cost over safety at every stage since the problem was flagged up 7 years ago. It will come up in Parliament today – I wonder whom they will blame? Or will they just claim to be better than other countries? Do they even comprehend the scale of the problem across all public sector buildings (hospitals, courts, etc. Universities have not been mentioned – yet!

Jamie Oliver calls for free school meals for all – a wise plea as a healthy diet pays back in results and health in the long term. Why not get the supermarkets and food chains to sponsor the lot – and give them a tax break for doing so. They would get the free publicity and the treasury a reduced cost. Perhaps they could compete to provide recipes. Extending free school meals is popular with voters according to a recent poll.


The Chancellor says they will spend anything necessary to make schools safe. Strange how they find money for this but not NHS wages to make us all safe? Basically it is just another bill for the next Government to pick up! More duplicity.


Labour is showing no commitment to environmental standards. Lis Nandy says labour would not repeal the Nutrient Neutrality bill which will land the taxpayer £280m. Starmer has criticised Khan over ULEZ rollout. If Labour do not make a stand on the environment they will lose out to the LibDems for disaffected Conservative voters and many Labour voters. Bye election results have not mirrored opinion polls in favouring Labour. With perhaps the most incompetent and appalling governments for decades Labour should be 50 points ahead – but people are still confused at what, if anything, they stand for, other than gaining power. They are no longer socialist – and I could not swear hand on heart that I could guarantee thqt they would be a marked improvement on the present disgraceful shower. Party conference season is coming up – this maybe the last chance for Labour to make a mark with public at large.

What we have been told so far is no return to the EU or Customs Union; no tax on high earners; no repeal of anti-demonstration laws; no repeal of environmentally harmful policies; no repeal of the HoL; To be honest – what is the point? Shit is still shit – even if it smells less!


Incompetent in the extreme . When you think tey cannot get any worse they manage it! 11 months ago surveys were sent to schools about RAAC. Only when pressure was applied from outside did the Government respond by closing over 20 school completely with over 100 partial closures and over 500 results pending. Yet Gibb takes credit for being proactive and closing down buildings – the week before school starts again. Schools are left to sort out a problem that has existed for months and have been shut for 5 weeks. Other public buildings are in the same situation with courts being closed and some police buildings. Until yesterday the plan was to have schools prepare evacuation procedures! Were they planning on issueing body bags?

Rather than take credit for closing the schools he should resign. Schools are also expected to provide home tuition where relevant and send out lunch credits for thosd entitled. The position that England had done more than Scotland and Wales may be fair, but finding someone worse than you was always the cowards way!