Has Rishi put the for sale signs up outside his house yet? He really does seem to want it to be all over – if fact that may have been why he called the surprise election in the first place. The latest gaffe is him stating that he too had had to go without during his childhood – he was deprived of a Sky Dish! Fuck me – life must have been hard for that 16 year old. I mean there were 3 million Sky subscribers back then so he was bemoaning the fact his parents chose not have one – yes they could have afforded it AND the fees at his priveledged public school. Poor little Rishi! I guess he will also claim that his parents worked hard to pay those astronomical fees, he has no clue on how ordinary folk work their socks off (often in more than one job which they hate) and yet cannot afford to put a healthy meal on the table.

I was priveldged to go to a state school and my parents worked hard and that enabled me to go on 2 school trips abroad. yes I do feel priveldged by this, I also had a mum who was a brilliant cook. Presumably poor spoilt Rishi thinks that a family today which choses to have sky to compensate for the lack of membership to clubs and activities , and OMG they have a large flat screen – basically the C has not got a fucking clue!

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