So the polls show the tories down to 3rd place. Labour maintains its vote share. TBH I am rather surprised as I thought that Farage would eat into heir share (there are bigots on both left and right!). Maybe disgraceful assembly of motley candidates puts them off? There is also the fact that Farage is a one track pony with no clue on how to fix, basically anything – he just rattles away with max media coverage!

The Tories must be worried – they have no answer to F’s diatribe about migration – and they had no meaningful responce to Labour’s manifesto launch. Complaints abot a tax hike do not come close to the promised giveaway from their manifesto. Families can see how their tax burden has risen by £13000 since 2019, and everyone can see how public services have suffered. Complaints about the hike in private school fees is unimportant to most, as is their farcical plans for National Service. So the Tories are on the ropes – but they have a large war chest.

Labour basically said fuck all, but also has been stuffed by the tories incompetence and corruption. However their plans for the HoL and a retirement age of 80 is basically a joke (there are 12 over 90!). Revising all appointments made, or putting a 5 year limit on those nominated – with the possibilty of a re-election by the HoC? New nominations should be much more rigorous and spell out their expertise.

Basically (word of the day?) Labour have given the RWP nothing of substance to chunter about – and they are begining to realise that they are backing a big loser!

Gambling Commission has asked betting companies to investigate bets about election date choice – maybe there is more to be disclosed?

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