2020 has been a bit crap. But 2021 is already looking good.

Trump has left the White House and things look better already.

Vaccines are on the way so we can cope with Covid.

Some of my bulbs are already growing

My car will be mended – hopefully!

And then a wish list – justice, law and fairness replace avarice, greed and selfishness at the heart of government. Climate change becomes the centre of government and media concern (without disasters).


Christmas Quiz – part 1

1. OS maps show height above sea level – where is the base line for this in the UK?

2. Where can you see the QE2 liner?

3. Where is the centre of London – as used for mile posts in the past?

4. Who, based on Ely, led a rebellion against William the Conquerer?

5. Who invented the horse drawn seed drill in 1700, and whose name became well known in the 1970/80’s?

6. Her picture is probably one of the most seen photographs of 2020, in every news paper repeatedly – What is the name of the girl Prince Andrew is accused of ‘meeting’?

7. In what year was NASA formed?

8. The 1980s model had no indicator for either the headlights or turn signals, no fuel gauge, no rear seat belts, no external fuel door, and drivers had to pour a mix of gasoline and oil directly under the bonnet/hood. It sold over 3 million models.

9. Where would you be to see a broken spectre?

10.    A question which is difficult but given the genius of the discoverer he name should be well know.  Which Greek clever person calculated the circumference of earth in the 3rd century BCE?

11. In which country is the Duke of Edinburgh seen as a divine being?  This is not a joke at any level!

12. What country is this?  17th largest by population and area; they drive on the right, most popular sport is football, and highest point is 5610m asl.  

13. If you look at a magnetic compass; north is actually which direction?

14. What are the names of the 4 families which have provided more than one POTUS?

15. What is Bob Dylans highest selling single?

16. What is the top selling vinyl record of the last decade?  I can also do top 3 if needed?

17. What order comprises of 30% of all known life forms?

18. Who has given more than $4billion to charity in the last 4 months?

19. Where can you see the Mappa Mundi, the largest map of the medieval world known to exist?

20. Which American state has an Union Jack on its flag?


Why are the ejits who run Education (if only) surprised that there are predictions for a surge in Covid numbers. After all it is the government who made the fatal decision to reduce restrictions over Christmas. They also have had access to data about growing infection rates amongst school students. I am fed up with people saying that this unprecedented pandemic is throwing curve balls. Yes it was unprecedented and there is some leeway in excusing incompetence back in March/April. However the last 6 months have produced a litany of bad decisions whose consequences should have been foreseen.

So teachers have to prepare lessons for remote learning, to teach those exam classes that are in school together with those vulnerable children. And organise testing. Even if the Army or volunteers are roped in to help, it is still the school that has to organise it. And they will probably give a contract to Serco to provide the tests! I am not sure I would want a random stranger poking things up my Childs nose and throat! The tests are also not particularly effective, some say it is better than nothing; but it might give false results, a negative test might give false confidence, and the accuracy is said to be about 50% Will they all be verified – which normally takes a while. On a phone in I heard someone complaining about left wing union snowflakes whom should just get on with helping the nation in this pandemic – my response would be that maybe all lorries should have loads of 100 tonnes?

But perhaps more than anything I would ask Mr Williamson and his sidekick Gibbs, why this was not planned for during the summer? This WAS predicted.

So a prediction. There will be a surge in January and some schools will be shut in some areas. This will result in discussions about exams in England. Someone will have a bright idea that test, track and then isolate could work really well if administered via a school. And proper testing of those who need it rather than a politically motivated mass testing. Are Cornwall, Isle of Wight, etc. also included?


8.12 and still dark. Papers and shopping done before the rain comes. Exceptionally mild. Heavy rain predicted for here, possible floods. Vacuumed and stripped beds. Might be a cake making day.


All countries in Europe are suffering. This is a true statement. But look closer. We have had about 3 times as many deaths as Germany. We are about on par with Italy. Everyone is struggling, but most are taking more stringent measures than us.

AN INTERACTIVE MAP – Tier 3 update

Worth looking at. For this area the range is astounding – Congresbury and Kewstoke is 430/100000 whilst Winscome/Sandford is around 47; and Wrington is to low to record!

So this area and Bristol have been moved down to tier 2 which we have seen does not work. So Mr. Penrose, Mr. Fox, Mr.Rees-Mogg can hopefully be held to account when numbers of deaths rise.


Sometimes it is hard, but good to listen. This what I did this morning talking about Covid to a staunch Tory. “The government are doing a brilliant job in an ever changing situation”. “The high rates in Congresbury are due probably to a travellers camp”. Please forgive me for not arguing back. I basically taken aback, and wanted to here more from how many people think. Reader of the Telegraph, he went on to state that the press has a lot to be blamed for! Presumably not the Telegraph! (Or the Mail, or the Sun, Express, Western Daily Press. So it must all be down to the Guardian, Mirror and iDaily (all minority reads!).

I did not point out the fluctuating situation was largely a result of ineffective government!

Or that Westbury-on-Trim was the highest in Bristol – presumably because of the …. high number of servants????

And I was thinking! If test, track and trace contact someone, presumably they can see if that stops that particular pathway for the virus. But there are others who are tested but not tracked immediately – but presumably their contact reappears in later cases. How many prosecutions have there been? I am not suggesting a police state here – people who have to isolate should be made financially secure to do so. How many cab/Uber drivers have spread the virus inadvertently due to economic necessity.

And sad but true – pubs have been shutting down for a few years – this crisis might increase the rate. But hopefully there will be some innovation so not all turn into housing/flats, but into local hubs. Surely a potential now that more people are likely to work from home, but would still like to meet another human being at lunch or other times. If I had money I would start a chain of licensed cafe/work spaces in villages/local areas. Bike racks outside, wifi, cafe, craft type shop, conference room for hire, rooms that could be rented for offices instead of having to work from home. I think I first floated this idea about 20 years ago when The Ship in Banwell was up for sale.


I am annoyed/angry about a ministers use of the above word! They will allow us to visit relatives over Christmas. Personally I think it is a dumb idea, but they ‘will allow us’. Who the f do they think they are? Just because they right cheques for their buddies with more noughts than I can count, does not mean they can dictate how we spend our personal, law abiding time. This does not give them a free hand to introduce whatever measures they like at their whim and fancy.