Not mine of course! But those required of a leader of a large wealthy Western Democracy. Lets have a list. Integrity, honesty, intelligence, diligence, reliability, decisiveness, to name but a few. Our government seems to have none of these, even between them! The British public seem to value charisma and communication skills much more highly. Perhaps that is why so many people are conned out of their life savings?


I haven’t found a recipe I like so here goes. 3kg strawberries, 1.5g granulated sugar and 1.35g jam sugar, 450 ml lemon juice and then 200ml elderflower cordial (which I have made already). Recipe on next page.

Garden things – mid-June 2021

More mints ordered – I must stop! But Spanish, Tashkent and Indian ordered and some more Moroccan in case mine present one succumbs to the slug attack! I also got 6 lavender, a Scented Geranium Lady Plymouth, and a Lemon Verbena Golden Wind. I have also taken some basil from the greenhouse to harden up so that it can replace the ones eaten by the enemy. So I reckon about 50 herbs, of which half are mint. the coming weather system does not look particularly strong (although t&l predicted/maybe, and then followed by more dry weather.

Martin is coming round to strim the grass in places on Saturday, so I plant out some pot marigold and salvias when the ground is cleared a bit. I am not sure the chicory has come back – but next autumn I will clear a raised bed and think about what to put in.

One water butt is empty, but the other 2 are doing ok – hopefully a fill up later today. The hanging baskets are looking lush but still green at the moment – begonias and cosmos and nasturtiums. We will see what they look like?

Some tomatoes are developing – I must remember to feed them! Possibly some by the weekend although more likely by the end of the month. Maybe some raspberries, probably just to munch, but jam making planed for maybe tomorrow – strawberries a definite, and maybe some apricots if I can get some cheap enough. Or any other fruits. Strawberry jam with elderflower could be good.

I just bought 240 ltr of compost so should be ok to transplant some of the mints and the verbena and others to bigger pots. When I put plants in the ground they seem to be consumed by slugs or whatever, and overgrown by grass (is this me being lazy arse and not weeding? But I am learning and next year will have chickory and flax in greater numbers.

I think I might have enough basil for pesto – so off to Scoop and Spice for some pine nuts.


Well done to whoever is going for government tw@t of the week. A trade deal with a country just about as far away as possible – Can we introduce a green tax on unnecessary journeys. 13500 miles between Sydney and London (approx) – seems like a huge carbon imprint on our commitment to reduce CO2 emissions. The government have repeatedly stated that they will not reduce environmental and animal husbandry levels for imports. So can someone tell me how an animal in Australia grown for slaughter can be cheaper than a similar animal in the UK. I fully understand how Scandinavian countries developed style and quality to compete in the world market. So will Australia be coming up with innovative new products, or just undercutting the British market. I heard some twat say that the deal would be good for the UK consumer. We know that economics is not a science but an art subject where the rules can be changed if you do not like them. So cheaper might mean more global warming, greater animal suffering, impacts on rural communities across the UK, and all for the vanity of two desperately needy politicians (Johnson and Morrison). Be honest – unless you want a genuine boomerang there is not much that we need from down under. OK – minerals which I think are not included in the deal (the industrial giants are bigger than the governments?.


I am getting prepared. Cheddar strawberries in the main. Then maybe some herbs in some? Some thoughts on not using my herbs enough, but when they go to flower the bees love them – so no issue. Basic recipe below.

1kg strawberries; 1kg caster sugar; 1/2 tsp citric acid. Juice of one lemon. Hod the strawberries and bring pan to boil stirring the mix to dissolve the sugar. Heat to 105C – I have a thermometer now, but otherwise use saucers that have been in the freezer for 30 minus to test how runny it is. Strawberry Jam is actually quite difficult as it has difficulty in setting! And then what to add – I am tempted by chopped lemon verbena? And maybe a touch of apple to add a little pectin.


Two books I ought to read are Go Big – Ed Miliband, and Seven ways to Change the World – Gordon Brown. Both were considered by the shit press to have been incompetent, but how we need either of them, or even someone with half their intelligence to lead us know! I said I ought to read, rather than have read! My attention span has never been good for academic books! Maybe one at a time, chapter at a time, or even page at a time!


European Championships well under way now. And generally going with form. Wales were a little lucky to escape with a draw, but luck always plays a part in these championships.

England won, if not emphatically, at least with some confidence. Italy looked awesome, The Netherlands came back to show some determination which has not always been present in their championship sides, Belgium also won comfortably. We have yet to see Spain (later tonight) and then the group of death including France Germany and Ronaldo!

Who will win? I would guess one of the sides named above. And a word of admiration for Erikson – get well soon. Bill Shankly’s famous saying was meant to be metaphorical, not medical!


Why is the announcement about the future timetable for Covid restrictions being held at 6pm? It clashes with the Slovakia Poland game – perhaps he has put them on a new list?

The cabinet meeting was last night and with more leaks than a colander it has already been suggested that removing all restrictions will not happen for at least 5 weeks. Is it to give the Tory press time to concoct excuses to their readership whom they have been extorting to get out and party for the past month? Is it to protect the inadequate members of the Cabinet (just about all of them) from requests for media interviews, until they have had time to learn their lines. Lines that will deny that this is a prolonged lockdown and that really this is just another excuse to enjoy the sunshine.

Also bleating are business owners who claim to have spent thousands on preparations to open next week. Well all fool them, they had only to follow the stats and listenn to the experts to know that it was not looking good. Oh well, they probably do not believe the experts (as told not to by Johnson and Gove during the Brexit campaign).

And whilst on politics – what was Johnson doing taking his offspring to a meeting of world leaders? They must’ve been well pissed off at having to smile at Wilfred all the time. Maybe it was a diversionary tactic by Johnson to reduce opportunities to raise discussions about Brexit and Northern Ireland. None of the other leaders seemed to have brought their offspring along. There also seems to be a move to put Carrie at the centre of government as Trump did with his family. She should take a good look at how Melissa Obama did the second lady bit with aplomb and class. Perhaps she could set up and run a food bank, or grow some veg at number 10?

Incidentally where will Government Ministers be holidaying this year? Morally none of them should travel outside the UK


In North Somerset now is the time. The sun is shining, the flowers are outing still fresh. So not particularly cheap, but wholesome homemade cordials. I have made more in the past but it is best to keep to the seasons, so the recipe below will last several weeks if in sterilised bottles.