4 avocado halves, 100g cream or curd cheese, 75g grated cheddar and 75g chopped nuts. Salt and pepper and a little mustard and 2tbs single cream. Top with bread crumbs. 10mins at 200C. I am thinking olive oil instead of cream? And possibly smoked paprika. Cheese can be replaced with crab meat and onion and lemon,

Baked tofu


How many police to go to a normal break in? It seems it is related to the value of the property and the status of the neighbours. The Met Police appear to stagger from one disaster to another.


  1. As a 19 year old articled clerk. We had a client who was being done for pornography – he was a 60 year old knife thrower at a fairground who had a ‘peep show’ when he could not get anyone to throw knives at (he also wore pebble glasses!). First I had to go the the police station and view the offending material – gross! Then was told to go to the paper shop and buy every magazine on the top shelf! Glowing like a 100 red traffic lights I had to take them to the counter which was staffed by an attractive 18 year old girl. Then the solicitor and I had to look through them to see if they were as gross!
  2. In court for drinking and driving – it was the morning after and an early start to pick wife now ex up from work at 6am.
  3. First day at Churchill School – new tutor group – 5th on the register was Siobhan Fear – my pronunciation was embarrassing Is-oh-b – Han!

that will do for now!


So Johnson staggers from one crisis to another – the parties were a travesty to the British Public and a very foolish mistake for which a decent person would have resigned; – the connections with Russia veer beyond corruption and attempts to undermine democracy to possible treason.


Brexiteers do not get it! £350 a month, whatever, it is not about money numbskull, it is humanity and common decency and kindness and love, and all you can do is spout money facts. No doubt the great defendant and accused person will be telling Parliament that we are leading the world again. To be honest they can all f* off – enough lies and cynical point scoring for Opinion Polls.


I read about the welcome given to Ukrainian refugees in Ireland and I have years in my eyes. That humanity and compassion should be shown by all civilised countries – but not the UK, Brexit rhetoric is too ingrown – keep all foreigners out (and if they must come make sure they are not thieves and rapists, unless they have loads of money and speak Russian.


I understand entirely the reluctance of NATO to impose a no fly zone which could escalate things massively. However providing Ukraine with anti-aircraft missiles would seem just about acceptable?


So the Sunday Mail has latched onto the idea of using confiscated oligarch’s houses for refugees. I know I spouted this idea a week ago as a knee jerk reaction. Michael Gove has apparently seen it as a vote winner too. HOWEVER – it is bit of a dumb idea! Who is going to pay for conversion to flats, legal consequences, are they suitable for lots of families, etc. One would hope for a more considered approach by Government – rent them out/sell them and us the money to buy a few hotels for refugees – from wherever.