Whilst I rather want to gloat about the imminent demise of the nasty Party my conscience will not let me for a number of reasons.

Firstly I am not in agreement with kicking someone when they are down – and Sunak is now coming across as a rather pathetic figure. Maybe he realises that it is time to fuck off to Santa Monica and count his wealth.

Secondly the scourge of Farage – it chokes me to say this but I would rather have a functioning Conservative Party than a Reform Party led by the charlatan. Unfornunately I believe the basic racism and stupidity of large numbers of the public will support the odious creep. Will Starmer cave in to perceived threats to his majority by moving further to the right. There is a way to undermine Farage – face to face with facts about the need for immigration. The same is true for public services – be brave and state that taxes will need to go up to provide a high quality NHS and Education (amongst others including defence and the environment).

Thirdly an easy majority is not good for democracy in this country. Johnsons arrogance perpetuated by Truss and Sunak has meant that hairbrained schemes like Rwanda get railroaded through. i am not sure that Starmer will be motivated to reverse the loss of public freedoms imposed by the Tories.

So now for a bit of gloating! Surely we can now see the demise of the likes of Rees-Mogg and Anderson from Parliament. Seeing their majority wither and die, and possibly the party too, will provide moments of Portillo glee! However I am increasingly thinking that those on “The Trawl’ and ‘supertanskii’ will increasingly need to hold the new government to account. How long before Starmer gets rid of Angela Rayner – the figure head of the centre left whilst the rest of the party has been purged and is now most definitely not a socialist party.

That said I will be encouraging all to vate tactically to get rid of the bastards who have infected this country for the last 14 years.

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