I hope that the Labour Party has some decent comms! Angela Rayner must surely have so brilliant lines for tonights debate? Did Sunak have an oversee of this? The whole thing is getting more ridiculous – and still there are absolute numbskulls who will vote tory?

Or is he going to switch to Reform and hope that skinhead morons will save his government? Farage is an absolute Cnut! Sorry to use this word, but sometimes the worst word in ones vocabulary is worth stating? I am tempted to go for a list here! I love lists! Motherfucker is my no.2; fuck and shit do not really merit a position!

Back to Sunak – will this be the final straw for Tories? Who could vote for them now? Oh actually I know – those wankers who think that their worth as an employer is greater than their employees. The reduce tax argument is one of consumate selfishness.

We need to get rid of this government, but also Farage – can we have people extol our public services for a change? I am not a patriot or nationalist – I just want to live in a society where everyone is valued – i guess that makes me a fucking hippy! YEAH!

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