Hunt has come out against extremism on the right. I still do not like him, and he will still lose his seat, but at least he is an identifiable and real opponent rather than the odious likes of Rees-Mogg, Braverman, Bradnich, Johnson, Sunak, Gillis, Anderson, Farage, Kwangtung, Truss, oh the list is very long!

The way the tories use D-Day makes you think they were there – they would have been well away from the beaches that day! And I am sorry that I will not be celebrating it either. The horror of war may result in almost unbelievable bravery, but at the end of the argument it was still slaughter on both sides. The victims here were not guilty of anything than following orders – the Germans were not evil, just fighting for their own survival. So it there is to be a memorial activity, it should be to remember the horrors of fascism and the pointless nature of nationalism. Fortunately the majority of British people and Western Europeans reject the mindless populism and hatred espoused by the likes of Farage. So good people of Clacton – please engage your brains and invoke conscious thoughts to ensure that the odious little twat does not get a voie in Parliament (and hopefully banished from the airways once and for all).

Also a plea to Labour – do not be frightened of tax rises on the rich or on wealth. If te argument is put for efficient public services and a functioning again NHS I am certain the public would rally round. And also point out that investment in green energy and the environment will have cost benefit efficiencies for all. the sad bastards who believe that they should pay no tax should be called out for just what they are – selfish bastards and worse! I think it should be noted that the vast majority of people recycle – I would say 100% in my road. The climate lobby has gone quiet, but this has been the warmest spring ever recorded. I have solar panels and my energy costs are much less – so even without a smug look on my face for helping to reduce climate change – it has to be a no brainer to roll them out wherever is possible. I also have a little heat for free on dyas like today which started off quite chilly. Force the energy companies to install, along with heat pumps where relevant and batteries (they could even be in the form of no interest energy mortgages on property?).

So how many more days until the bastards are vanquished? How many more lies and pathetic policies will they use. Today it was the Times which said the Tories would tighten up on murder – I think it was domestic murder they were refering to – 14 years of acquiescence to the slaughter of women. Number of female homicides England and Wales 2009-2022, by relationship to offender. Between 2009/10 and 2021/22, 1,025 women have been killed by a partner, or an ex-partner in England and Wales, compared with 451 killed by family members and 241 killed by strangers.

Honestly this government is fucking horrible and MUST be voted out.

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