So tomorrow the lockdown is eased significantly. Even in places like Corby, Wakefield, Barnsley,Mansfield and Clackmananshire where cases are 3x national average and over 100 per 100000.

In the south-west the figures are much better with numbers below 15 per 100000. I would like to hear of a much more effective test and trace system. With numbers of 30 in the whole of North Somerset surely this would be possible, practical and with payments to ensure isolation, affordable.

The holiday season will bring challenges to the south-west. Litter being one of them. Social distancing will also be important to continue.

I was asked if I was 95% protected? Firstly that % is still not 100%. Secondly, it misses the point. The evidence seems to point that lockdown is the most effective aspect, aided massively by vaccines. Herd immunity (if it exists in this context), is unlikely to occur until a vaccine prevents rather than protects.

So is there a dilemma in me going to see my children and grandchildren? I basically should be ‘safe’ personally. I am unlikely to spread the virus as I am careful, and the infection rate here is low. So the odds are good all round. However there is a but. But the virus is still out there (and statistics show it still to be widespread); perhaps 50% of people are not getting tested if they have symptoms, and 50% may not have symptoms.

So am I likely to get or transmit the virus – No. If everyone in my position stopped being ultra cautious would the virus spread – Yes.

Then there are the variants which will continue to develop, but faster if there are more people with it. Then there is long-covid which I do not comprehend, but seems to affect a large number of people.

So basically I hope people will go out and visit pub gardens, etc. but must socially distance. the governments lateral test scheme seems to be more white smoke and unicorns.


Did Johnson arrange for DoE’s demise to divert attention from the Brexit debacle that is descending into horror. The Northern Ireland Secretary did not get there until Thursday. This is not going to disappear anytime soon.


Interesting times? First of all Chile – 3rd in world league table of % vaccinated but has a spike in infections. This is put down to easing of restrictions too fast. Vaccination is not the answer, just part of the solution. Social distancing and mask wearing indoors, are probably here to stay for some years. Opening the doors for foreign travel would seem to be over optimistic (or culpable?) until the worldwide pandemic has abated. I think the theme time for the detective series in the 60’s was called ‘Softly, softly, catches monkey”. – Probably classed as racist now – but an approach favouring caution is needed.

Secondly the Astra Zeneca – definitely the most world friendly one, but would it have been approved under normal circumstances? Almost certainly not without caveats. But has it been a success? Apart from the 7 deaths and 23 other cases it has – without it, the number of deaths would have been thousands – but no solace for the deceased’s relatives. Given a choice I would want my children to have a Pfizer or Moderna one; but definitely have the jab.

There are still many things that are unknown – how long do the jabs work? Are they successful against variants, are they ok for children? What level of protection is necessary for ‘herd immunity”. – if this exists at all.

Brilliant – yesterday Maz, Rich and Erin and Adam came up -first time we have all been together since 2020 I think. No hugging, just sensible distancing, so hopefully all ok – patio door open all the time too. Cornwall and here have very low rates of the virus at present so I hope all is fine.


Latest one was nice!

60g each papaya, mango and date (all chopped), 1 lemon juice, 130g brown sugar, 200g each plain flour, oats and butter. 20 mins at 180C. Sorted.

Next up today or tomorrow is a nut loaf – tomorrow probably as I need to consider options. Bread crumbs obviously, onion – cut into strips and caramelised; handful of sage and maybe parsley; garlic crushed; szechen pepper; an egg; 6 small tomatoes; mushrooms; marmite so only a touch of salt; nuts and seeds – not sure what nuts I have. And grated cheese on top?

Then Lemon Bars – argh I have lost the recipe – so I will make up something to use the lemons for – maybe just put lemon icing on cookies above! Maybe a pineapple something?


Interesting radio programme on this topic. Asia countries have done much better than Europe. They acted faster than we did and seem more efficient – thus have not had to lockdown late and hard! South America has in general been abysmal!. Brazil’s President is a danger to his country and the world!


Interesting that trial venues are receiving abuse for suggesting that they may require vaccine proof. Personally I would not go to a pub, cinema or inside venue which did not require one. For local events I think registration is enough – as I have stated previously. People are happy to sign up for loyalty cards and Amazon Prime, etc. If rates of infection remain at current levels around here a membership card for a pub would be more than ample. If there was an outbreak they would know who to contact. Visitors should have to sign in with ID proof (not vaccine proof).