Updates on stats are needed daily it seems!

Why is the government still faffing about? Nicola Sturgeon might not be getting all her decisions correct, but at least she is seen to be making decisions with clarity of data.

As ever I struggle to analyse the data due to the lack of detail, but ….


What is the government doing? Waiting for infection rates to up, then announcing that they will look at introducing measures in a few days time, is like watching ice cream melt and deciding to put it in the freezer in a weeks time. Transparent tipex and chocolate kettles come to mind!


We are told that we know more about the virus now than in the spring – would somebody please inform the government of this new knowledge!

29 of 30 areas with restrictions have seen numbers increase. WHY?


First off some facts. Almost 50%of our electricity needs were met by wind power in the. early months of this year. With fast falling costs wind power does not need or get any subsidies. renewable energy contributed £46 billion turnover to the economy. The UK really is the world leader in wind generation and it could treble in then next decade.

Which is just as well as we phase out fossil fuels completely! It would seem sensible to lift the total ban on onshore wind farms, although nobody wants to see the industrialisation of rural landscapes. Future expansion will need to be co-ordinated carefully. Surplus electricity can be used to manufacture hydrogen for use on short haul train routes and buses. Battery capacity will increase.

Our many deep mines could use their mine shafts to raise heavy weights which could then generate electricity when needed by allowing them to fall generating electricity. For many year I have thought the same thing could happen in peoples homes with the unused chimneys. Unfortunately I doubt the chimney in my bungalow is high enough. (Martin will verify that I suggested this a few years ago whilst pondering what to do with a mostly redundant chimney?

Like everything else we need to move away from centralised government to smaller local projects. In Somerset we have the potential for exploiting tidal power – not necessarily with a mega scheme, but with smaller ones as the technology becomes more efficient. And around here we have seen a huge (and I mean huge) project to build new pylons, and an underground cable across the Mendips involving building a new road. Why can’t the pylons have wind turbines on them?

Housing and buildings need to be as efficient as practical, Car journeys reduced as much as possible, and the electric car switchover made as practical as possible by fast development of the infrastructure.

So Bullshit Johnson announces more figures he has dreamed up – and then spoils it my announcing that the figure for investment is £150 million (or about £2 per head, or £15 per household!). Maybe he could start with the 32,770 schools in the UK. If all had solar panels and heat exchange pumps not only would they save many thousands a year, but have a great teaching resource (maths, economics, environment, geography, English, Science, technology, ICT, and more).

Driverless cars – I do not think these will work practically on the open road or in cities – nor are they needed in cities. However road trains (or lorries with computer systems to allow them to follow in each others slip streams would seem sensible.

And finally whilst I am creative mode! Supermarket deliveries. We are informed that supermarkets do not make much from home deliveries. But if they allocated different areas a time slot they could at least co-ordinate deliveries; and people could make what ever necessary decisions to have the deliveries received. Delivery slots could be allocated to Post Code areas. It might not work for all areas, but certainly in the village I can see the potential for a driver to make double or even treble the number of deliveries?

OK that’s all for now!

Covid-19 4 October 2020

I am fed up with hearing g apologists for the Lackofgovernment Party stating that this pandemic is unprecedented. It is not. It might be on a world scale unprecedented since 1918-, but is just the latest of many this century. We spend billions every year in case there is a nuclear attack, but dismantled preparations against a pandemic.


Jeremy Corbyn was photographed at a dinner party for 9. He was wrong and has apologised. If not fined he should make a donation to the NHS. He should also consider who his friends are! Who took the picture and sold it to the press? But the same consequence should apply to Boris’s dad who was photographed shopping without a mask.

Election America

America once prided itself on being a wonderful democracy. That is beginning to look like it may change. Trump has said he might not observe the result. Why……

Covid-19 app.

I just downloaded the app. Very simple to do – once I had reset my forgotten apple password! It does not work on iPhone 6 or earlier.

Covid-19 latest

Forced into action by the 2 amigos (Whitty and Vallance) the PM announced that pubs will shut an hour earlier and will have to have table service. Apart from this there were no real changes except for him to state that if Covid is on the rise again it is the publics fault.