COVID 17 May

Well pleased. Rate in North Somerset down to 8.8 per 100000. Only Weston Winterstoke has 3 cases, every where else is 2 or below for the total of 16. I really hope the relaxation of rules does not result in cases going up.


The Beatles wrote 8 days a week, which begs the question why does a week have 7 days. A day is defined by rotation, as is a year. The months are roughly in line with the lunar orbit. 24 hours, 60 minutes and 60 seconds are all logical mathematically. But 7 days a week. Why is it a prime number? 7 does not fit into a month apart from 3 of 4 years for February.


So that’s it for now. I have contributed to Pfizers $5 billion profits! Bill and Melissa are getting divorced so she will probably be the worlds 2nd richest woman (after the L’Oriel heiress).


There seems to be a growing anger in this country. Anti-lockdown demos; anti-police bill demos and now ManU vs Liverpool called off. Is this a result of people feeling that they are not listened to, or respected anymore? In all 3 instances the issues do not seem to be massively important, yet people are willing to risk jobs, fines, even prison.


Numbers creeping up in Cornwall, Devon and North Somerset, but down in Dorset and Hampshire. Can we relax yet? Have I got an anxiety syndrome? Numbers are still very low and have been lower than 3 per 10000 (approx pop of the 6 villages) for the last couple of months. I have not had the second jab yet. So the anxiety is the dichotomy between being desperate to see grandchildren again; and not wanting to throw away the last 15 months of being sensible. I think I confused T by offering her to stay here, whilst being reluctant to go down to C.

I know others who are like me – not paranoid about relaxing, but very wary, and in a way institutionalised to the isolation (this seems to be something that affects single people, rather than those with families living in the same house). 95% safety is not 100% and thus the need to be sensible remains, regardless of the government edicts/advice/etc. as they have shown themselves to be intellectually benefit and morally bankrupt. On top of incompetence and sleaze.

There still seems to be a lack of direction and enforcement at all levels. So I am confused! (Even more than usual). I am confident to meet with family, albeit with distance and windows. But there is still a but … but I do not know what the but is? I am 99% confident to go to Waitrose again, but only do so when it becomes important for me to get (actually it is to show I I can).


Cars, Sustainability is the main thing. All manufacturers are competing for a share of the mass market.

But I was thinking. As car designs have not actually changed much for decades, why not produce a car which enables upgrades on not just computer parts, but is designed to allow upgrades to other components. The concept would be a car for life. I am led to believe that batteries are huge, and are likely to get smaller, so design the car to be able to adapt to these changes? Maintenance is supposedly very cheap with 90% less moving parts. We have this concept for valuable furniture and houses, why not a car? Environmental savings would be fantastic. Chairs worn out – no problem as design of footings allows new ones. I guess the main thing would be ensuring the bodywork was long living and ergonomic?