
So everything healthy at the moment. Tomatoes are a bit of a concern as looking a bit leggy? And chillie plants have suddenly decided that they will join the party – 3 months of just sitting and now they are starting to grow. Pots of flowers I will put out the front when I am sure they are slug resistant? Is that such a thing? Morning glory amd love in the mist to be put out together with the plants from the shop that were dying.



went to see Taylor Swift, where did Sunak go – William Hills for a quick flutter on the election results – is he hedging his bets?

Just Stop Oil had a go at private jets – good on them, but I wonder if they should take a lesson from Greenpeace and plan their publicity stunts more carefully. How about flash mob appearances across the country? Trafalgar Square or even Hyde Park on a sunny day by the Serpentine – press and public would love it and it would therefore gain credibility? Perhaps getting well know celebrities to join in? They could dress in orange? Maybe free ice creams – they need some imagination!! Perhaps a barge on city centre rivers with music?



I am so fucked off with hearing the bollocks that come out of the orrifice on his head that I really would not care if something nasty happened to the devious little cunt. From backing Andrew Tate and then Putin – and yet there are people stupid enough to vote for him. I will happily and without compunction disown any member of my family who votes for the horrific turd. Blaming NATO for the Russian invasion is victim blaming at its worst. How can sucha hateful piece of shit be given airtime in a democracy? Aaaaaaaagh!


Goes on and on! Tory Director of Campaigning goes on gardening leave, 2 prospective candidates investigated by police for dubious betting on the election date. Farage says misogynist Andrew Tate is a good ro;e model for young boys – fuck me, he cannot be serious – despicable toss pot is being prosecuted for rape, people trafficing and forming a crimainal gang to sexually exploit women, in Romania – may he rot there. The future for women has just turned bleaker. If it is true what I have heard that ‘Farage says what people think” – well they need to refer themselves to mental institutions – is this really waht 19% of Briton’s think? If so ‘beam me up Scottie” I want out of here. Do these people have children and grandchildren daughters, wives, mothers? I could have so much more to say about this! Our children are already polluted by the porn on the internet and its misogynist trumpets like Tate, without them being given an element of political respectability. Is this another import from the USA where Trump using prostitutes and grabbing woman by the pussy is acceptable?

How does any sane person contemplate voting for such a sleaze ball? Castration would be too kind! I am. begining to feel an iota of sympathy for the conservatives who have seen their party contaminated by the morons from Tufton Street, it is only an iota mind as they were content to sit back and let the likes of Johnson, Truss, Braverman, Sleaze-Dog and so many more manipulate them and ride on the back of their media frenzy.

Project Fear (my version) is begining to trouble me! Will Farage actually get a seat in Parliament and consolidate his support; will undecided voters allow candidates who I would remove from my front door with venom – I am happy to have a strong Lib.Dem prescence at the dispatch box for PMQ’s. Please do not stop the fun on 4/5th July with so many Portillo moments promised. Vote to keep the bastards out and consigned to history!


Thoughts on the action by Just Stop Oil. Actual I have a few thoughts so here goes!

Firstly and most importantly it is very sad that it has come to this. I completely understand the frustration that many people feel about the lack of coverage given to climate change in this election – For those who care deeply about this issue I guess they had little choice.

Secondly – the choice – Stonehenge has been around for a while! It has weathered the toxic fumes of the industrial world and the protesters ensured that their paint was not toxic. However some papers and commentators are suddenly experts on lichen – Perhaps the Daily Mail will start a campaign to save our lichen (Unlichenly! – sorry, but it had to be done!).

The Daily Mail and Express have led with this – presuably they think that as most of their readers will either be dead or are so ignorant that any future climate change is irrelevant – but calls for them to be locked up when there is no space in our prisons is plain ridiculous.

Most sensible comment was from Dale Vance who basic told the PM to find more important issues that some non-toxic paint (that has already been removed). Child poverty would be a good place to start he suggested!

Lastly it give the MSP some respite from the bad news – Interesting tactic from the Telegraph

Sunak to become first prime minister in history to lose seat, major poll finds

Does this mean that they will offset their £244.6m loss last year by backing the likely winners? Or is it scaremongering – Project Fear in technicolour? WTF are the blue areas – areas with below average IQ and above average gross stupidity?


Let us start with a traditional Conservative voter. If the toxicity of Reform appeals to you – please see a doctor and stay at home with a pint of warm beer and a flag! Otherwise there appears to be 20% of voters (and therefore about half of traditional voters) still seem to be intent on voting for the corrupt and incompetent crew! Whilst they may not relish voting for Labour (which has moved massively to the centre) then the alternative would be the Lib.Dems. For Labour voters on the left – hold your nose and vote to get the present crew OUT! Unfortunately as for the rest, if you vote in Brighton, Bristol Central or maybe Norwich it will probably worth voting for the Greens. Would Starmer be democratic enough, having looked at local elections, to offer a post at the DoE (DEFRA?) to the greens?

Starmer came across as relaxed and a PM in waiting on lbc this morning – despite efforts of Ferrari (who is unlikely to try as hard to unsettle Sunak tomorrow – and is unlikely to need to!). The RWP are desperately trying to tarr Starmer and the Labour Party. Having emptied the coffers (to their cronies) Labour have few opportunities to raise income and thus support public services which is what most sane people want?

On a personal level I have been identified as being at risk from lung cancer which is a little scary. However I am in 2 minds whether to attend as it is sub-contracted out from the NHS for the profit of a private company (and probably staffed by moonlighting NHS staff). I do not want to have to make this decision – I believe in the sanctity of the NHS!


FFS can we get this debacle over? The Conservatives are faced with oblivion and the Times has said that governmment ministers are recommending a personal offensive against Starmer. So the election will get nasty – surely this is an insult to the intelligence of the British Public. I am sure that the DMail and DExpress and the Sun will weigh in with the sad journalists who should be job hunting! (What job could a failed and rabid political journalist get – possibly move to USA or Hungary?)

The crap press will possibly resort to royalty as often as possible, Megan is due for a roasting! The football has also made the front pages but this cannot be guaranteed as a distraction – especially with the behaviour of England followers. I am sure they will avoid all aspects of the climate crisis and environmental degradation.


It has long been the retort of the forecast sceptics to state ‘look out of the window”. However there is no doubt about the long term changes that are affecting us. Many tories are deniers – why is this not made more public? This spring was the warmest on record but Flaming June has not appeared yet! But it has certainly been the dampest I can remember, and for June cold. But this is where we need the experts to explain how the patterns of change are relentless.; Just because this June was colder than the last one, or even tens, it does not detract from the fact that our climate is wrming up. And with this different weather patterns occur. – and any change brings the need to adapt – something humans can be good at but generally dislike? The number of insects is massively down – swifts have been non-existent round here and I have seen no swallows or house martins.

Surely it is time to ban household chemicals that can be used in the garden with no licence? Farmers may need to adapt as they are having to do with climate change but can a householder not pull up a weed if they want to? My garden is the only haven along the road at the moment – I am hoping for lizards and snakes as well as hedgehogs and foxes! I have an insect hotel up but it is empty!

OK – Positives – the flame lily by the front door is, Well doubling back having hit the 8ft ceiling and has lots of flowers forming – post to follow. And the sun is shining – hopefully tomatoes will be on stream next week.


So whilst the RWP have been able to avoid the carnage that is the Conservative Party by concentrating on royalty, the troops are on manoeuvres! All the right wing fanatics are voicing raising their profiles – Patel, Braverman, Badenock, Mordaunt and Shapps all seem to fancy their chances -IF they keep their seats! I am sure Truss also fancies her chances!

However there is no one from the centre making any noise? Is this due to lack of funding and support from Tufton Street? Whether you agree or not, and I am not overseen!, Starmer took on the left, and Momentum, to regain the centre ground – Sunak and the wets seem to be giving in to the fascists? My analysis of the normal status quo – would be that the moderate Labour Party and a competent Conservative Party would have about 30% each, Reform would be able to whip up 10-15% with huge media coverage and by creating a febril environment on migration; LibDems will perhaps never recover from the coalition and university fees and Nick Cleggs disasterous leadership!; The greens will hover around 5% with zero press support and will hope to build on strong local candidates; The left wing of the Labour Party will be a hidden element for now.

Whilst the rabid Farage will be supported by his cronies in the media we wait to see what support he gets at the polls. Reform did not do well in the local elections – it is very much a a pressure group rather than a political party for all the bollocks stated by Farage. 18% in the polls is not huge – enough to cause considerable damage to mainly the Tories but also Labour, but the Lib.Dems and Greens should come through unscathed. This could produce some interesting geographical outcomes?

This is where I get really interested! Will the Greens take Bristol Central and hold on to Brighton? They may even take Norwich? Then the Lib.Dems for whom (Ed Davey has done a brilliant job!) could clean up in some of the seats in the south and south-west? Will university towns produce a strong Labour vote and overcome the apathy of the young? Will Reform sweep Lincolshire and the coastal margins on the East?

Then the area I have no idea on – the North. Will Labour regain the seats lost to the charlatan Johnson in the ‘Red Wall’? Will there be a disillusionment vote for Reform based on perceptions (correct) that Westminster does not give a shit about the poorer regions (recent Tory handouts are derisory and probably subsumed by feasibility studies by London companies! So it will be interesting to see how Sunderland votes! Will local government results be replicated?

Then – I apologise for not refering to the other nations in the UK – I am based in Somerest and receive the trash media available here! But Scotland and Wales have both had a long term party in power which, it could be argued is not good so one at a time.

Scotland – The SNP have held power for a long time and virtually wiped Labour last time out – the Tories had 1 or 2 seats, maybe? The SNP are in a bit of disarray with first Sturgeon and then Yousaf resigning in difficult circumstance – this should lead to their anhilation at the polls but Ian Blackford and then Stephen Flynn have done a brilliant job at PMQ’s. Scottish Nationalism is also here to stay! So I suspect that the SNP will do OK- although they will lose seats to Labour. The Tories could actually be obliterated even in the Borderlands as their 7 seats look vulnerable to the usual selfich move of Douglas Ross to stand for Westminster – schmuck! LibDems seem to do well in the outlying regions but have not found a real home in Scotland other than the Highlands and Islands (over 700!)

Wales – agin we have a Parliament which has been dominated by Labour – and despite weekly aspertions by the Tory grandees – it has withstood and been quite radical at times! There does not seem to be the same desire for independance as in Scotland perhaps due to huge migration from England way back! So will Plaid Cymru make any inroads? Doubtful due to their lack of radicalism? Lib.Dems could do OK in rural areas as will the greens, but not well enough! Will Reform be a winner in the valleys?

Northern Ireland – I am hesitatnat here as Andy is bit of an expert and local! So it has been totally ignored by the media – and therefore seen to be irrelevant! Personally I think there could be some surprising outcomes ? Will Sinn Fein get more seats, that they will not occupy! Will the Conservatives and their compatriots the DUP lose seats? NI has been a victim of Brexit more than the rest of us! – what will their voters say? The London media seems to not care? They might regret this oversight?


So the polls show the tories down to 3rd place. Labour maintains its vote share. TBH I am rather surprised as I thought that Farage would eat into heir share (there are bigots on both left and right!). Maybe disgraceful assembly of motley candidates puts them off? There is also the fact that Farage is a one track pony with no clue on how to fix, basically anything – he just rattles away with max media coverage!

The Tories must be worried – they have no answer to F’s diatribe about migration – and they had no meaningful responce to Labour’s manifesto launch. Complaints abot a tax hike do not come close to the promised giveaway from their manifesto. Families can see how their tax burden has risen by £13000 since 2019, and everyone can see how public services have suffered. Complaints about the hike in private school fees is unimportant to most, as is their farcical plans for National Service. So the Tories are on the ropes – but they have a large war chest.

Labour basically said fuck all, but also has been stuffed by the tories incompetence and corruption. However their plans for the HoL and a retirement age of 80 is basically a joke (there are 12 over 90!). Revising all appointments made, or putting a 5 year limit on those nominated – with the possibilty of a re-election by the HoC? New nominations should be much more rigorous and spell out their expertise.

Basically (word of the day?) Labour have given the RWP nothing of substance to chunter about – and they are begining to realise that they are backing a big loser!

Gambling Commission has asked betting companies to investigate bets about election date choice – maybe there is more to be disclosed?