I have just placed an order for red hair dye – only decision is whether to dye it for the 4th July or 5th July or both! I will post photo’s to prove that I have done it. Having doubts about my sanity? I am too – maybe I should stick to 5th and a tory result of 50 or less seats? Although that would maybe require a permanent dye! Any suggestions?


Sunak avoided any major cockups yesterday, he had his parliamentary private secretary to do that for him! Craig Williams, prospective candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr in mid-Wales, was revealed to have placed a bet on the election date 3 days before Sunak surprised everyone with the announcement. Williams refers to £100 bet as a little flutter – he should say that down at the local food bank? I just fucking hate them all and hope that they get voted out of existence on July 4th – oblivion.

This is just a further example of the moral vacuum that exists in the heads of the remaining conservatives. Whist railing against tje right it has been that a large number of Reform candidates are linked with fascist web sites. How many voters are so bigotted and stupid to vote for them?


Has Rishi put the for sale signs up outside his house yet? He really does seem to want it to be all over – if fact that may have been why he called the surprise election in the first place. The latest gaffe is him stating that he too had had to go without during his childhood – he was deprived of a Sky Dish! Fuck me – life must have been hard for that 16 year old. I mean there were 3 million Sky subscribers back then so he was bemoaning the fact his parents chose not have one – yes they could have afforded it AND the fees at his priveledged public school. Poor little Rishi! I guess he will also claim that his parents worked hard to pay those astronomical fees, he has no clue on how ordinary folk work their socks off (often in more than one job which they hate) and yet cannot afford to put a healthy meal on the table.

I was priveldged to go to a state school and my parents worked hard and that enabled me to go on 2 school trips abroad. yes I do feel priveldged by this, I also had a mum who was a brilliant cook. Presumably poor spoilt Rishi thinks that a family today which choses to have sky to compensate for the lack of membership to clubs and activities , and OMG they have a large flat screen – basically the C has not got a fucking clue!


So the far right made progress – on D-Day so why? Firstly maybe the left and centre need to stop flinging racism around so much? Is it racist to prefer or want to be surrounded by people with similar beliefs and culture? There was an attempt a while back to establish what constituted British Culture – I believe it failed miserably! However if we look at how the English language has attapted and incorporated new ideas and words without losing the essence of what constitutes English and we can get a notion of what society should be doing to adapt and include?

I think it is natural for people to be unsettled by change and to hark back to “old ways”. It would therefore be natural for people across the varied nations of Europe to reject traditional parties that are seen to be over welcoming to “foreigners’ or migrants. This will be especially true of countries with an ageing population like Hungary or where the opportunities for the young are perceived as being diminished or the numbers of migrants are perceived as being too high (Germany?) or where there is less integration (France?) or where there is economic/political atrophy (Eastern Europe).

So whilst I relish calling Farage a fascist little prat, but maybe I should be more wary of the ways he taps into peoples subconscious fears of change and particularly the unknown! I suspect therefore that people are not voting for fascism, but voting against the status quo – Brexit was the prime example of this! The Daily Mails ranting about the National Trust and references to slavery, and generally wokeness, are an attempt to heighten this fear of the different.

It is ironic that the typical thick working class boss will complain about foreigners coming over here to take “his/her” jobs (which they refuse to do! The NHS has a vast number of migrants and could not function without them, and yet the right wing media perpetuate the myths of migrants taking jobs and filling hospitals with patients and schools with students whilst claiming benefits. Can honesty be returned to the press and to politicians (Johnson totally ruined belief in honesty in public service – how do the newest politians recover this lost respect)?

So I have sort of described the problem (and the far right is a problem with no doubt) – obvs. I have no magic solution, but would return to my analagy of the English Language. Migration needs to be at levels where people can be assimilated into the traditional society without necessarily converting to whatever, but accepting, and being accepted by the status quo..

Perhaps the lessons from history in the past need to be learned anew – allowing areas of cities to develop as migrant ghettos (rather than hubs) has led in the past to pograms across Europe. Greater integration with the emphasis on positives (perhaps the right wing press needs to have to justify claims in court?) – or maybe defunded by foreign magnates? Honesty and discussion is essential and if that means calling out the likes of Murdoch and Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere and Sir Paul Marshall; and holding them to account. A free press is essential and is the 5th estate on which democracy is based – but it, like the others can be subverted!


Democracy is taking a beating at this election. Conservative leader Holden refuses to answer legitamate questions. Farage is rude to reporters who ask questions he does not like. Daily Mail publishes inti-semetic nonsense from Johnson. I do not see the press being objective in questioning all parties and holding them to account for their answers.

The tory £2000 tax claim – discredited is being repeated ad nausium, whilst t5he fact that tax has gone up by £13000 under the tories since 2019 has passed without comment.

Let us have honesty – tax will have to rise to provide quality public services. It is just a matter of where that falls. Tory HQ is also putting out bollocks about blackouts and public disorder with a move to zero pollution. What the fuck do they think will happen if we do nothing? Sea level rising and extreme weather will be blamed on? Green investment will provide cheaper bills in the long term. Locally Thatchers Cider (a bastion of conservatism) has invested in solar panels presumably to cut energy bills. Why should the poor not benefit? Who wants polluted rivers and seas (apart from foreign investors who care only for the profits.


I wonder! If the Tories really do get 20-25% of the vote, and if Reform make in roads, will the tories end up in a LibDem situation? A few million votes but only tens of seats? How will Conservative voters then feel about PR?

The only downside to PR is giving seats to Fascists like Farage. Maybe if he was wxpected to behave in a normal way his nasty views would be less appealing?

If the conservatives were for PR then a referendum would surely pass (leftish Labour voters would love to vote for Corbyn again).

A sunny Sunday morning here in Somerset. Everything is so lush this year.


Whilst I rather want to gloat about the imminent demise of the nasty Party my conscience will not let me for a number of reasons.

Firstly I am not in agreement with kicking someone when they are down – and Sunak is now coming across as a rather pathetic figure. Maybe he realises that it is time to fuck off to Santa Monica and count his wealth.

Secondly the scourge of Farage – it chokes me to say this but I would rather have a functioning Conservative Party than a Reform Party led by the charlatan. Unfornunately I believe the basic racism and stupidity of large numbers of the public will support the odious creep. Will Starmer cave in to perceived threats to his majority by moving further to the right. There is a way to undermine Farage – face to face with facts about the need for immigration. The same is true for public services – be brave and state that taxes will need to go up to provide a high quality NHS and Education (amongst others including defence and the environment).

Thirdly an easy majority is not good for democracy in this country. Johnsons arrogance perpetuated by Truss and Sunak has meant that hairbrained schemes like Rwanda get railroaded through. i am not sure that Starmer will be motivated to reverse the loss of public freedoms imposed by the Tories.

So now for a bit of gloating! Surely we can now see the demise of the likes of Rees-Mogg and Anderson from Parliament. Seeing their majority wither and die, and possibly the party too, will provide moments of Portillo glee! However I am increasingly thinking that those on “The Trawl’ and ‘supertanskii’ will increasingly need to hold the new government to account. How long before Starmer gets rid of Angela Rayner – the figure head of the centre left whilst the rest of the party has been purged and is now most definitely not a socialist party.

That said I will be encouraging all to vate tactically to get rid of the bastards who have infected this country for the last 14 years.


I hope that the Labour Party has some decent comms! Angela Rayner must surely have so brilliant lines for tonights debate? Did Sunak have an oversee of this? The whole thing is getting more ridiculous – and still there are absolute numbskulls who will vote tory?

Or is he going to switch to Reform and hope that skinhead morons will save his government? Farage is an absolute Cnut! Sorry to use this word, but sometimes the worst word in ones vocabulary is worth stating? I am tempted to go for a list here! I love lists! Motherfucker is my no.2; fuck and shit do not really merit a position!

Back to Sunak – will this be the final straw for Tories? Who could vote for them now? Oh actually I know – those wankers who think that their worth as an employer is greater than their employees. The reduce tax argument is one of consumate selfishness.

We need to get rid of this government, but also Farage – can we have people extol our public services for a change? I am not a patriot or nationalist – I just want to live in a society where everyone is valued – i guess that makes me a fucking hippy! YEAH!


Hunt has come out against extremism on the right. I still do not like him, and he will still lose his seat, but at least he is an identifiable and real opponent rather than the odious likes of Rees-Mogg, Braverman, Bradnich, Johnson, Sunak, Gillis, Anderson, Farage, Kwangtung, Truss, oh the list is very long!

The way the tories use D-Day makes you think they were there – they would have been well away from the beaches that day! And I am sorry that I will not be celebrating it either. The horror of war may result in almost unbelievable bravery, but at the end of the argument it was still slaughter on both sides. The victims here were not guilty of anything than following orders – the Germans were not evil, just fighting for their own survival. So it there is to be a memorial activity, it should be to remember the horrors of fascism and the pointless nature of nationalism. Fortunately the majority of British people and Western Europeans reject the mindless populism and hatred espoused by the likes of Farage. So good people of Clacton – please engage your brains and invoke conscious thoughts to ensure that the odious little twat does not get a voie in Parliament (and hopefully banished from the airways once and for all).

Also a plea to Labour – do not be frightened of tax rises on the rich or on wealth. If te argument is put for efficient public services and a functioning again NHS I am certain the public would rally round. And also point out that investment in green energy and the environment will have cost benefit efficiencies for all. the sad bastards who believe that they should pay no tax should be called out for just what they are – selfish bastards and worse! I think it should be noted that the vast majority of people recycle – I would say 100% in my road. The climate lobby has gone quiet, but this has been the warmest spring ever recorded. I have solar panels and my energy costs are much less – so even without a smug look on my face for helping to reduce climate change – it has to be a no brainer to roll them out wherever is possible. I also have a little heat for free on dyas like today which started off quite chilly. Force the energy companies to install, along with heat pumps where relevant and batteries (they could even be in the form of no interest energy mortgages on property?).

So how many more days until the bastards are vanquished? How many more lies and pathetic policies will they use. Today it was the Times which said the Tories would tighten up on murder – I think it was domestic murder they were refering to – 14 years of acquiescence to the slaughter of women. Number of female homicides England and Wales 2009-2022, by relationship to offender. Between 2009/10 and 2021/22, 1,025 women have been killed by a partner, or an ex-partner in England and Wales, compared with 451 killed by family members and 241 killed by strangers.

Honestly this government is fucking horrible and MUST be voted out.


Well that was not forecast! However everything is lush and green so no complaints. I did one of my least favorite chores (the list of least favorite is long!) washing the quilt cover and then trying to refit it. Washing line has been taken over by raspberries so at least I could have breakfast whilst putting the washing out! I missed a photo of my deep purple rose – it will flower again soon but here is my new yellow one.
