So the best thing that has happened to this country for years is a comment I have heard.

firstly lets note that the views of the 48%+ who voted against have ee totally ignored, without counting those who did not vote. So the minority are steamrolling changes through with no discussion, just political malice. So far we have a serious shortage of HGV drivers, a shortage of NHS staff, a shortage of hospitality industry staff, rising prices in the shops, an entertainment industry (worth £111 billion) that is getting little support, mobile phone roaming charges abroad, a disastrous fishing policy, lighting the flames of discontent in Northern Ireland . Economically and socially a disaster. Morally we have seen an increase in discrimination by the thicko’s. A trade policy with countries as far away as possible is being touted as the best thing since sliced bread (and look how that turned out!). Taking back control has transmogrified into giving complete control over everything to Westminster, and sod everyone else, especially the Scots and Welsh.


So eventually he sees that he has no option but to resign. He even managed to do this without humility! Now he is no longer in Cabinet can he be prosecuted for all the dodgy deals that have occurred on his watch? I agree with Jonathan Pie


Thank you Martin for the strimming, and Holly for relieving me of parental responsibilities for quite a few plants. A little space on the table, and I will plant out salvia and marigolds in front now there is space. I will also dig out some of the former mint bed to make room for the 3 x sage (tangerine, pineapple and blackcurrant) and 3 x thyme (Doone valley, wild creeping, golden lemon) plants that I have ordered. Also keeping on top of the mown bits so that I can plant the 6 different lavenders once they are big enough.

All mints looking good- so just pennyroyal to go into former mint bit. And a couple more to look out for. Black Mitchum and Lavender, possibly orange and Tashkent?

I am also noticing the difference between the mints. Definitely an opportunity to do a connoisseurs bit! Cocktails, fruit cocktails, potatoes, tomatoes, chick peas, lentils, lamb, teas, list is endless, as in the supply of mint!


We here enough about how public figures like footballers and pop stars should be role models. What a laugh when the Minister for Health is caught disobeying the rules he created (and which have been followed by the majority of people with great cost to their freedom and families). Oh and he has cheated on his wife, and probably broken a few economic rules in the appointment of his mistress. The man does not have the balls to resign. The Prime Minister, who knows a thing or two about infidelity, says the matter is closed and is backing the cock. And other government ministers are backing him too.


So the Times – EU threat to thwart holidays and the Express – Spain vows to defy EU plot to ruin our hols are 2 examples of the press taking an unnecessary ani EU stance. It is not a plot or a threat, but a response to a surge in Ovid cases in the UK, especially in countries which have not had such a good record of vaccine roll out. It seems that they like feeding candy to the bigoted!

And then bosso Rishi Sumak says he will stop wearing a mask as soon as possible. Why could he not say that he was looking forward to reduced restrictions on mask wearing? Ask bus drivers and rail transport staff if they are happy to see more and more people not wearing a mask? Mixed messages again Fromm the cabinet.

Hancock could not keep his zip done up, I suppose that the sleaze element needed addressing as most other failures of government have been exhaustively pursued.

Roaming costs are being introduced for travellers to the EU by EE, others will follow.

Osborne, who initiated austerity cuts to cultural activities has been appointed Chair of the British Museum. At least it is unpaid (although I suspect the expenses claim would make my eyes water).

Will banning advertising of junk food make a difference? Nice headlines but no real impact. And why the 9pm watershed – it is the people preparing or buying the meals that need to be educated, not just the children. How about a compulsory labelling scheme. To be backed up by a web site where products could be searched for details of ingredients and health aspects. And also commission people like Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Mary Berry, Gordon Ramsey, Sunny Anderson, etc. to write a book of suitable recipes for children, and for families – and the government then provide free copies (multiple – 1:30 students) for schools and libraries, and colleges and universities.

And then I would suspect/guess/hope that the cost of fresh food versus processed/takeaway could be altered. And shut up about jobs – we can laugh about lift attendants to push buttons in a job creation scheme in theSoviet Union; But is encouraging people to buy takeaways with the health costs involved, not as bad, if not worse than encouraging people to cook their own.

And this seems like a no brainer. Farm stalls are often expensive – the produce good, but pricey. This must be down to the staff expenses. Farm shops should be able to reduce these costs but seem not to. How about abolishing rents in food markets if the produce is fresh and not wrapped in plastic – applications for stalls should set out their worthiness. All this is a bit of nonsense, but needs thinking about.


How much do they cost us? It is difficult to decipher, and as they got to be in their present position through nothing to do with ability or openness, pointless.


One Britain, one nation is ridiculous on so many levels. The United Kingdom consists of 4 nations (hence the name of the rugby tournament. Great Britain excludes Northern Island and the Isle of Wight. With 258.000 more millionaires created in the UK last year whilst poverty and demand for food banks grew, it does not seem that there is one nation. And if there is one thing which marks us out as British it is our reserve. I do not feel the need to shout about being British, English, born in Essex, living in Somerset and European and above all a member of the human race.


It maybe the weather but some neighbours are definitely leaving their lawns for longer – result. If they leave them an extra week that is a 30% reduction in energy use, and flowers available for the pollinators.

My flowers are coming out now – Californian Poppies, flax, cosmos, begonias and soon nasturtiums. Thyme is always in flower and I have let the dill in the greenhouse go to seed as I do not eat much of it anyway. Fennel seems to be spreading along the road gutter to the east!


So nasty party members of the Commons Education Committee are trying desperately to blame anyone other than themselves for failures over the last 11 years (and beyond).

They seem to have put politics before evidence. The basic rule is that the poor do less well, whatever colour or creed. So that is the main thing to address.