A town in decline. It has a magnificent beach (really) with golden sand ideal for sandcastles until the tide goes out and the mud is revealed. However the positive – generations of people from the West Midlands have visited W-s-M as it is the first sandy beach when heading south-west. The arrival of the railway line and the development of the pier made it popular. Today the sea front is well maintained with sympathetic flood defences. however this is where the positives disappear. Firstly the parking is expensive – personally I wonder if a drop off service like at airports would bring more revenue and be less intrusive?

However it is the Town Centre that is truly ****ed! The 1980’s (I think) Sovereign Centre was built with M&S and C&A as flagship stores at either end. C&A went long ago to be replaced with Wilco’s – all have now gone. A walk down the pedestrianised High Street is one where beggars and the smell of dope pervades. Tattoo parlours, betting shops, charity shops, vape shops dominate. There is nothing welcoming, despite the cost of parking!

The council does its best with flowers and attractions, but the town has died! tje only people I know who visit Weston do so to visit the bank! the only shops of interest are up side streets where parking meters deter the casual shopper.

The restaurants are based. around fish and chips, burgers and kebabs.

Imagine how a Severn Barrage would have impacted the town – a thriving harbour, a tide that did not go out quite so far, safe swimming. Back to the begining – it has a magnificent beach – well cleaned by the council.


First up are the LibDems. They have not recovered from the disasterous coalition with the the Tories. Rejoining the EU is not a particularly popular policy, many would see Labours proposals for greater alignment as a better policy. Whilst the RW tories will harp on about greater divergence.

Green issues – should be an open goal for the LD’s, however they do not seem to be making much of it so far? Their policy makers seem to favour a much more local campaign programme.- which may leave them short when it comes to national campaigning. The mainly southern conservative seats they have a good chance of wining may need more than the local impact which works so well in by-elections. W-s-M is a potential gain for LD’sso I look forward to seeing what they have to offer – a special post on W-s-M will be written soon!!

So really it looks like he week will go past with a whimper.


Here we go again – massive government incompetence. A prestige scheme that has been criticised from the outset. Perhaps its only saving factor was the link to Manchester which could spark some knock on schemes across the North of England. It is not even certain that the London to Birmingham sector will start/finish at Euston. I suppose that a £8billion hike in costs is just too much – but I do wonder at the legitimacy of the accounting and vetting procedures. Further investigation – many industries have already invested in the expectation of the Northern link going ahead. It also seems that the north is dependant on it for future investment and growth. However it will be a joke – the London Terminal is 6 miles west of Euston whilst the Birmingham end needs a 15 minute walk from Birmingham New Street. With the old line expected to take more freight surely there is a solution to swap the lines over at some point? Can they be that far apart? No wonder the Chinese use UK infrastructure projects as examples of the failure of democracy. And they have a point. When voted on with a general cross party consensus it would surely have been pragmatic and sensible to put the funding in place for the 20 year project. Whist at it can we halt the Stonehenge Road/Tunnel scheme.

I believe the opening of CrossRail in London saw rocketing property prices – surely this should be factored into the cost so that the tax payer gets the benefit of the investment, not the property owner. Is there an opportunity for the same pay back here?

So what policies do we have from the radical reset by Sunak who attempts to forget that the problems he faces are all Tory created ones of the last 13 years. Well he may adopt the NZ situation of progressively banning smoking (although NZ has seen a growth in vaping), new A Levels But these would take several years to introduce so this is pie in the sky) and then his retrograde steps on net zero (where he might regret the obvious echo chamber used by his advisors on social media – and the Daily Express which stated how popular they were). Comments I hear are “I can’t afford an electric car” – not “I don’t want an electric car”. Sensible government policies would have led to greater affordability and a better network of chargers.

He has gone quiet on migration as all his policies have failed spectacularly through the ideological stance taken and the inhumane attempted implementation. Inflation was down last month but fuel costs are increasing again. Unemployment is rising. The National Debt increasing by 40%

So are we heading for a spring election? If he waits for the full time he will be accused of hanging on to allow the pals club to fill its boots – however an spring election will rely on him coming up with some credible policies – which seems unlikely!

an update on HS2 costs – average cost internationally for high speed traack = £32m/km HS2 =£250m/km. I wonder how much of the exxtra was appease tory voters in rich areas. A lot of the cost is the planing procedure – surely this could have been streamlined in one enquiry, and again I wonder why they did not run it along side motorways, thus avoiding the need for tunnels and deep cuttings as the scenery is already blighted?


I just made some bread – some strong white flour, rye flour, wholemeal flour and some rye flakes – I love it when a pland comes together – I could not give the recipe as it was a bit of this and a bit of that, then water until it felt good!. I had some just now with some cheese and home made mango chutney – rather nice!


Largest local employer is NOT closing – the local paper headline of urban myth, supposedly used to drum up sales. Much of Sunaks green announcement was in the same vein. Ploicies that have never been policies would be dropped. much of what actually was policy and has been dropped will harm the public in the long run -but he does not care about future planing. Covid in particular showed that the government could pull off reactive policies rather than proactive ones – the proactive ones like lock down is seen as unpopular.

Even 6he motor companies were horrified at his back tracking on electric cars (victory for the ERG and Mail, Express and Telegraph. They have been investing in new plant and are now uncertain of the time scale. Yesterday also saw the publication of air quality across Europe, with the countries of Eastern Europe having exceptionally poor air quality. The UK in general is better than many as it should be with the clean air off the Atlantic for much of the time – however cities and the South =-East are below WHO safe levels.

The human race is generally averse to change, the Chinese curse “may your life be interesting” comes to mind. And the boring refrain of old people “It never did me any harm” when refering back to pre-progress advances in any aspect of life (lack of central heating, physical punishment, lack of holidays, etc.).

And despite being conned daily by the advertising industry to make unnecessary purchases the public, in general, have short arms and deep pockets when it comes to expenditure. So a Tory announcement that their policy changes would cut their bills is seen as a no brainer politically. Combine this with the false information put outon social media, and it seems like a win-win situation for tricky Rishi. However we can be thankful for the huge number of cock-ups by government over that few years (months and weeks more like) – much of the public is now sceptical about the motives of the brats from Eton and Oxbridge.

However there are millions of the public who are not ruled, like the government, by financial gain. Local wildlife trusts, National Trust, and a myriad of other groups at local and national level campaign for the environment before counting groups like Greenpeace and Frinds of the Earth. The Tories tend to write off the young as a lost cause – this is interesting in many ways. The young are, hopefully idealistic – worried sick about the future, full of energy and ideas – why would they vote for tired old privileged pratts?


So Sunak is right and wrong. He will no doubt get the RW Press support for delaying/abandoning green policies. In some ways he is correct, introducing further costs in a time of a credit squeeze is not popular. However abolishing plans that do not exist is ridiculous (unless to the RW nutters) 7 bins, meat tax, flight tax etc.

Firstly he is reversing policies he voted for a few years back – so why does he not say that he was wrong then? That is because they were not wrong then or now!

Secondly the mistake has been the lack of support put into the measures. Heat pumps are expensive as are electric cars, there is a lack of charging points for cars and trained mechanics. landlords need support at a time of rising mortgages (it is easy to see landlords as unscrupulous hate figures, but they are providing a service (especially since the Thatcher government started selling off council houses. Subsidies, especially in areas with no mains gas for heat pumps and solar woukd seem sensible. Setting up charging parks for cars in areas of high density flats would lso ease the pain. Of course these things cost – hence the need for a windfall tax. Thirdly the llack of a tax on air travel is plain ludicrous.

I think Sadiq Khan may come unstuck with ULEZ as it is too expensive and too soon. Would it not be more practical to give everyone who pays the £12.50 charge a £10 credit for buying/leasing a new electric or compliant vehicle. Someone driving in the zone would therefore get £6000 credit after a year.

Like most government policies these things do not seem to be thought through – is there a lack of civil servants without cognitive and questioning skills or have all ministers copied Johnson and surround themselves with sycophants? Is the introduction of the national curriculum and league tables in education to blame (Students trained to pass rather than think!).

The press will make much of the fact that the UK is ahead of much of the world (great so lets keep ahead and reap the benefits) and some countries are doing little ( a pathetic argument. The petrolheads will be gloating in the fumes. Prevalence of asthma seems to have risen in the 1990’s and possibly flatlined since – I cannot find decent data. Personal experience – I think there was one child with an inhaler when I was at school – now it is much more common – savings to the NHS?

Which all brings me around to democracy – good or bad? Governments are elected by popular vote, but the recent trend for populism seems counter-intuitive? If all we need is populism we cound have an electronic referendum on every topic. Referendums often result in disaster (Brexit). Governments should use their Civil Service to gain long term outlooks and act for the benefit of all in society. For too long politicians have acted to support their power base at the expence of of many in the country. Governments have a responsibility to minorities and the future. A 5 year term, at the end of which politicians will appeal to the public for support is not a sensible way to run a country – we have become a laughing stock as this government comes out with 12 month plans at best, knowing they will not be able to execute them. Yet Biden appears to have done it in the USA with a long term plan to put them ahead of the rest of the world regarding green energy? Maybe it is the fault of the fourth estate – their finances are totally dependant on populism amongst the old!

Maybe this is an opportunity for a second chamber (formerly House of Lords ) which should be tasked with assessing the impact of policies across society and into the future. It would appear that Sunak has written off the young as potential voters and is saying that he will fuck the environment as his voters will not be around for long? The future for him seems to be a few months. OMG – can you imagine the horror that he would face if the Tories won the next election – all their fuck-ups would come back to roost!

This affair reminds me of the opening of “Fix you” by Coldplay!

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can’t replace


Basically this is the Tory party today – no idea and up the creek without a paddle. they are hoping enough people will fall for the false narratives put out on social media that net zero is just a way for the rich to make more money. I would happily bet on those putting out the false narratives also funding the tories and twats like Farage. There are a lot of people in financials hardship due to Truss and Sunaks anti-inflation policies. But even people in these dire straights can see that the planet is distressed and non-action would be disastrous.

A sensible government would fund solar and wind power on local levels, increase electric car powering ponts and subsidise them in supermarkets if necessary. they are just playing politics and hoping to win votes with their pro-motorist/petrol diatribe. Is their plan to screw people into poverty and then blame green policies – and then come up with a festering chalice which offers everyone a smaller tax bill (they will forget the closed swimming pools, libraries and community groups which hold societies together!). How I hate the lying bastards!


Mango chutney made and tastes good! I will have to make more – it is a bit expensive. i left off the cardoman seeds (I could not find the jar! but everything else was as per the recipe! Well nearly – I used chilli flakes rather than powder as they are less ‘dry’ or do I mean ‘milder’?

Next up is the croquetas – I have to suss out using the deep fat fryer first!

i also have not made the cheese/rosemary/garlic thins for a while but have found this recipe for cheese and rosemary sables. I will leave out the cayenne but add in mixed peppercorns (whizzed with the rosemary and some garlic and the chilli flakes or maybe some chilli from the greenhouse).


Sleepy Joe maybe old, and look like he is dozing off at times, but he certainly gets things done. The US economy is coming out of a world economic downturn faster than Europe and China (which seems to be going backwards). His Inflation Reduction Bill is ready to put in excess of $350 billion into green economic infrastructure. Why does our government not recognise that investment in wind farms and elctric cars is not inflationary. Just like investments in health and education they increase productivity and the quality of life and the environment.

I suppose this government is screwed as it lost tens of billions on dodgy PPE deals with mates during Covid, then little Lizzie Truss spaffed another £45 billion in her 49 day time in the PM’s Office (which makes Johnsons horrendous refurbishment of Downing Street look like a bargain – albeit from Wilko’s).

Back to Biden – he has done a deal to release prisoners from Iran – a double exchange and bankrolled by £6billion of money that was Iran’s anyway! He is quietly doing things his way – no rebel rousing speeches like Trump.