There are things here that I do not understand! Why is it a press prosecution – since when have these been allowed. The Met Police and LAPD say they have received no complaints?

If he is guilty – then prosecute him. But how is the press attack democratic? I am sure that Russell Brand like many comedians has a complex psychology – Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers were of a similar ilk. But how come he is named on TV and in the press without any criminal charges? Is it sexist for me to think that any girl/woman who got herself into a situation with him could expect the unexpected? Are the press allowed to make accusations like this without police involvement?


Having a set pension age is basically stupid. I was a teacher and at the age of 60 I had had enough of the target setting management that put statistics before childrens educational needs. I did some supply and similar for a couple of years which was great (until they decided that my wage of about 30% of a teachers was too much. However I think I added experience to the childrens experience, I was happy to do this for a reduced wage (my teacher pension had kicked in).

I am sure that in many jobs a scale down to part time would benefit both individuals and organisations. Some jobs are very physical and it is impractical to continue – but the experience can still be passed on. So abolish the retrement age cut off and allow tax benefits for those who are willng to still contribute! An active elderly population would benefit the economy and NHS massively.


New book and the media are giving her plenty of air time. Why? She tanked the economy with policies destined to appease those associated with Tufton Street. She was ejected from office after 49 days, not by the unions or left wing politicians or even some grand left wing conspiracy, but by the denizens of capitalism, financiers in the city and abroad. Why is she being given the oxygen of publicity? I suppose thqt she can claim that Sunak has not done much better. – his ‘safe pair of hands’ has seen billions written off the covid frauds.


What is it about cars that brings out the worst in people. 20mph speed limits are defaced in Wales, ULZ cameras destroyed in London. Do these people get angry about other injustices like energy bills, or rudeness? I suspect not! The car is an extension of their wrped ego, a counter to their hapless lives – presumably they do not have mortgages or decent jobs to put at risk? Do they care about the welfare of others – not a jot – they are the epitome of the “Mememememe” culture. Spain introduced a 30kph (19mph) limit on singla carriageway urban roads and has experiences a 13% fall in pedestrian deaths. I just wish drivers would not drive through my village at 50mph+ when there is a 30MPH speed limit. Estimates of the cost of slower travel seem ridiculous – travel in cities is usually below 20mph during the day anyhow – and putting the footdown on a suburban street to make up time is just plain stupid! Surely 20mph is enough on any street with houses and street lights? People and children live in those houses. Why should 100% of the population be dominated by a few mad petrolheads with character problems.

I would go further and introduce speed bumps where necessary, and chicanes too. Emergency services should be no more impeded than they are at present by illegal parking and thoughtless drivers.

I am not blameless – it can be difficult to get used to 20mph. And motorway driving is so boring, I have driven from Plymouth to Banwell in 90 minutes! The petrol gauge was visibly moving down! But here – why are trains so expensive – fares rising by 9% this year I believe? Cheaper to fly from Bristol to Türkiye to London than getting a train? And they are spending £106bn on HS2. Tube trains in London run every couple of minutes – can we not have a similar system across the UK? Doing away with ticket offices may be efficient but doing away with all staff on a station in an urban area, with no guard or ticket collectors on board the said train surely leads to a dystopian scenario – large machines (trains ) potentially populated by “banned car drivers – banned for vandalising speed limit signs and ULEZ cameras!).


The demise of the High Street is a British thing (not Brexit though!). The pursuit of cheap food, the rise of Ultra Processed Food and the urban sprawl of rabbit hutch housing has led us away from community based shops. Business rates are too high and the artisan bakers and butchers, et.c have disappeared. Now we are seeing the big chains also disappearing with Wilco following Debnams and Arcadia, M&S and John Lewis have also closed some of their ‘flagship stores’. Replacements are charity stores, vaping shops, tattoo parlours anf betting shops. Thus there is little incentive for the bespoke craft shop or cafe. Parking costs rise as councils desperately try to balance the books. Town centres where attempts to make pedestrian throughfares are now wind swept alien areas populated by groups of youths (which can be intimidating when they are the majority!) and beggars with cannabis and vape smoke wafting through the dystopian landscape.

Dame Sharon White, boss of John Lewis, has called for a Royal Commission to investigate the problem but is it too late? Probably 50 or 60 years too late! The pursuit of money and its partner bargains, has seen the homogenisation of high streets (or had until the familiar names disappeared). Chain stores ruled the roost – they could afford the refit for their anodyne stores and afford the rents as they pay their staff up to store manager level very low wages. How many towns in England could name more than an isolated example of a locally owned shop or cafe? And where they exist they are often in hidden back roads away from the town centre. I am not well travelled but from my limited experience Totnes, Devon; Wells, Somerset; come to mind. Does the Lewes,East Sussex of my 20’s still have a greengrocers, a shop called “Full of beans” and other independant traders.


To be honest not a lot of changes – just updating names like Türkiye and Kyiv but I guess te border changes to Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh must mean something? I also giess that OUP must have thought it worthwhile to republish with a strip across the front saying India Edition? There was a diplomatic kerfuffle over the Edition with Crimea published with a statement that it had been annexed by Russia (or something like that) – will this happen again with China or Pakistan over the borders?


Some will wonder why I have not commented on the Moroccan Earthquake, Libyan floods and other tragic climate related events. Well they happen! The earthquake in Morocco was not particularly predictable – the African/European plate boundary is not very active! There was a tsunami that hit Lisbon in 14?? . The Libyan event is probably related to climate change in the Mediterranean region – it is between 2 continents and therefore could be seen to have an inter-zonal climate which is more susceptible to the changes wrought by our mighty petro=chemical corporations withnthe support of RW governments.

Earthquakes happen most often in the northern hemisphere in winter so perhaps North America should watch out this winter? Global warming will affect average temperatures, the amout of snow/ice, Arctic and Antarctic ice sheet will change. The ice on Antarctica and Greenland will affect sea level. Many societies in Asia and S.America rely on glaciers for water supply. Climate change will impact on millions more people. In the UK we have a brilliant geographical position being at the meeting of Atlantic/Continental, North/South to give us an equable climate. This may change over the next few years (not decades or centuries which I was brought up to believe).


I am renowned for not recognising celebrities, etc., actually I was also rubbish at remembering kids names when a teacher! But today several papers had a picture of the same lady on their front pages. So I had a read and found out it was someone called Kate – further investigation (dogged reporter that I am!) and I found out she is Princess of Wales – what this actually means I am not sure? Why was she on the front page of national newspapers (Well the Mail and Express and I think the Times), well obviously warranting front page coverage – the poor love had hurt her finger on a trampoline – something to do with her children, and Oh My God she had to have a plaster! Well what have the bastards done now is my immediate response to such stories in the RWM!

Pensions triple lock under threat is another headline that attracts their readers. I fully understand the need for this pension to keep pace with inflation, for many people it is their only income, But it also seems unfair on young people? But then when the government syphons off billions to its friends! I also believe we have amongst the lowest pension schemes in Europe? A conundrum – but it make a change to blame the oldies instead of youth!

Rail fares to rise by 8% – this is line with inflation but with our corrupt government – shutting ticket offices and other money saving schemes will therefore just add to the profits of the companies runnibg the shit show.

Talking of which – DEFRA -Not only facing possible legal action over allowing the shit to be pumped into our rivers and seas – it has now been revealed that that the UK government is refusing to phase out hazardous chemicals (which the EU are!), DEFRA issued a statement which basically went – “We are very strict but talk absolute bullshit – if you can make a profit you can fuck the environment”.

Does anyone know a cure for Menhirs Disease – it pisses me off!


But this weeks prize for stupidity is still there to be claimed.

So far we have Sunak failing to sign “The US and the EU have backed an ambitious plan to build an economic corridor linking Europe with the Middle East and India via rail and sea, a project the US president, Joe Biden, described as a “really big deal”.”

MP’s told not to name those accused of spying for China. – the accused are out on bail so presumably they could not find this government doeing anything worth spying on.

DEFRA and the Env.Agency possibly being prosecuted for failing to enforce statutory water pollution controls.

Tory councils tettering on the edge of a 114 notice – RW Tories have been quiet on twitter after an attempt to slur Labour over Birmingham council 114.

Sunak commenting on the EU flag at the last night of the proms is problematic for a democracy. harvey Proctor is just a joke.

Sunak telling judges to ignore Covid fraud “as no one is interested”?

So nothing up to recent high standards of incompetence – but we have the rest of the week for some Govt.Minister to make a ridiculous statement.

Interesting that the US Congess has just passed a $500-1000 billion inflation reduction bill which will subsidise electric batteries and vehicles and green energy. Tories want to suck the last oil out of the North Sea before realising that climate change is here and it is too late.

favorite people of the week is a tie between Dale Vince, Stephen Fry amd Carol Vorderman. All doing a better job than most Labour or LibDem politicians.


I get the argument that the tories have so fucked the economy of this country that Labour cannot come in like the cavalry in a 1960’s western with John Wayne saving the day. However they do need to keep the opportunity to veer left open? So win the power and then turn things around. I am not sold on the ‘economic growth’ will be needed to power greater spending’. Personally I am still a member of the anti-growth league (but I guess that most people are just greedy and want more – hence the decline in the fecundity of our planet.

But I guess a Blairite Labour is better than any Conservative government. I just wish they would keep the vision of a better future open.